University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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Urbana-Champaign Senate Meeting
April 26, 2004

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.

Approval of Minutes

04/26/04-01The minutes of March 29, 2004, were approved as written.

Senate Executive Committee Report

Senator Priscilla Yu (LIBR), Vice-Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), delivered the following remarks, in the absence of SEC Chair Michael Grossman: Good Afternoon.This is the last Senate meeting for the year.I am pleased to be here, representing the Senate Executive Committee (SEC); Mike Grossman, Chair of the Senate Executive Committee, is away in Thailand. I wish you all success in winding up the year.

As you recall, procedures related to the composition of the Chancellor search committee were approved by the Senate on March 29th.Nominations for Chair and for membership on this Committee, after being winnowed by the Committee on Committees and the SEC in a series of meetings, were distributed at the door and voting will take place this afternoon. The SEC completed its in-depth review of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Pat Askew, on April 5th and forwarded its recommendations to the Chancellor.

Today, at the request of Provost Herman, SEC was selected as a group to meet with the NCA (North Central Association) representatives during their “focused visit.”Also participating in this dialog were former SEC Chairs Bob Rich and Robert Fossum.Issues discussed concerned the “chief.” Floor privileges have been requested for Professor Stephen Kaufman to address the Chancellor under Questions/Discussion.I move that such privileges be granted (there was no objection). Tellers for today’s meeting are:Bryan White, Grant Ullrich, James Barrett, and Christa Petrillo. At this time, on behalf of the Senate Executive Committee,

I would like to present this resolution of appreciation for Chancellor Nancy Cantor, which was approved by the SEC on April 5th. (See the certificate in the packet after the March 29 minutes.) On behalf of the Senate Executive Committee we move that the resolution be endorsed by the entire Senate.(The Senate approved the resolution by acclamation and applause.) Chancellor’s Remarks

Chancellor Cantor thanked the Senate for its support, deferred further remarks, and turned the podium over to Pat Askew, Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, who presented a comprehensive overview of a five-year strategic vision for the office of student affairs (contact Ms. Askew’s office for a copy of her powerpoint presentation).


Professor Stephen Kaufman (MED) asked the Chancellor if members of the Senate could meet with representatives of the North Central Association (NCA) during their current “focused visit”.Dr. Cantor replied that the Provost was handling the arrangements for the NCA visit.Senator Ken Andersen (LAS), member of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), indicated that members of the SEC met with NCA representatives earlier that day.

Professor Kaufman displayed a letter written to the NCA and co-signed by himself and Professors Frederick Hoxie and Carol Spindel, which called for the NCA to be aware that the “focused visit” neglected to include meetings with all parties to the ongoing illiniwek debate.Senator Al Kagan (LIBR) moved for the letter to be incorporated and included by reference into the minutes of today’s Senate meeting.The motion was approved by a show of hands.

Consent Agenda

The Presiding Officer announced that the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent (EP.04.31 was moved by request to Proposals for Action.):

04/26/04-02EP.04.32*, Revision of the Major in Philosophy, Science and Letters Curriculum,
04/26/04-03EP.04.34*, Proposal from ALS to Rename the Department of Leisure Studies to the Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism,
04/26/04-04EP.04.35*, Revision of the Technical Systems Management Curriculum, ACES,
04/26/04-05EP.04.36*, Proposal from the Council on Teacher Education to Revise the Curriculum in Art Education,
04/26/04-06SC.04.08*, 2004-2005 Senate/Senate Executive Committee Calendar.

Proposals for Action

04/26/04-07Chancellor Cantor presented for action SC.04.12/CC.04.12*, Nominations for Chair of the Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor. Senator John Prussing (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on Committees, moved its approval.

04/26/04-08By voice vote, SC.04.12/CC.04.12 was approved.

04/26/04-09Dr. Cantor presented for action CC.04.13*, Nominations for Membership on the Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor. Senator Prussing summarized his Committee’s machinations for soliciting nominations and he moved approval of the slate.

Senator James Barrett (LAS) nominated Professors Norman Denzin (COMM) and Jane Loeb (EDUC) for faculty membership on the committee. (Willingness to serve was secured for both floor nominees.) There were no further floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

04/26/04-10By voice vote, the slate of nominees was approved, as amended.

A count by the tellers yielded the following vote totals:

Faculty: Ilesanmi Adesida 14; Abbas Aminmansour 19; Warwick Arden 13; May Berenbaum 36; Renee Clift 4; Norman Denzin 22; Faye Dong 12; Robert Fossum 20; Jane Loeb 22; Mary Mallory 31; Alan Nathan 20; Rolando Romero 22; Richard Schacht 21; Ira Solomon 14; Nina Tarr 19; Bruce Wicks 8.

Students: Undergraduates: Hassen Al-Shawaf 12; Amara Enyia 13; Adam Jadhav 8; Morgan Polikoff 8.Graduate/Professional: Andrew Erskine 8; Josh Rohrscheib 12.

Dean/Director: David Daniel 35; Paula Kaufman 48.

Academic Professional: Pam Hohn 43; David Robson 31.

Staff: Franci Miller 58; Cindi Norton-Williams 19.

Declared elected were M. Berenbaum, N. Denzin, J. Loeb, M. Mallory and R. Romero; H. Al-Shawaf, A. Enyia and J. Rohrscheib; P. Kaufman; P. Hohn; and F. Miller.

04/26/04-11The Chancellor presented for action CC.04.11*, Nomination for a Representative to the Faculty Advisory Council of the IBHE.Senator Prussing moved approval of this nominee.

04/26/04-12By voice vote, CC.04.11 was approved.

04/26/04-13Chancellor Cantor presented for action UC.04.07*, Information Security Policy.Senator Joseph Finnerty (BUS), as a member of the Urbana delegation to the University Senates Conference (USC), and Senator George Francis (LAS), as the Chair of the Senate Committee on Information Technology, co-presented this initiative and moved its approval.

04/26/04-14By voice vote, UC.04.07 was approved.

04/26/04-15Dr. Cantor presented for action AB.04.01*, Resolution on Athletics Reform. Professor Susan Cohen, Chair of the Athletic Board, briefly described the background of this proposal and moved approval.

04/26/04-16By voice vote, AB.04.01 was approved.

04/26/04-17The Presiding Officer presented for action EP.02.27*, 2006-2007 Academic Calendar.Senator Vernon Burton (LAS), Chair of the Senate Committee on Educational Policy, moved approval.

04/26/04-18By voice vote, EP.02.27 was approved.

04/26/04-19The Chancellor presented for vote EP.04.37*, 2007-2008 Academic Calendar.Senator Burton moved approval.

04/26/04-20By voice vote, EP.04.37 was approved.

04/26/04-21Chancellor Nancy Cantor presented for action GP.04.02*, Unit Review.After describing how this policy complements the recently approved faculty review policy and directing the Senate’s attention to the recommendations embedded in the policy, Senator Richard Schacht (LAS), Chair of the Senate Committee on General University Policy, moved its approval.

04/26/04-22By voice vote, GP04.02 was approved.

04/26/04-23The Chancellor presented for Senate vote FB.04.01*, Resolution on Benefits.Senator Norman Denzin (COMM), Chair of the Senate Committee on Faculty Benefits, moved approval of the measure.

04/26/04-24By voice vote, FB.04.01 was approved.

04/26/04-25Dr. Nancy Cantor presented for action FB.04.03*, Resolution on Parking Policies.Senator Denzin moved its approval.While the resolution was perceived to have merit, several objections were raised about both its format and content.A motion was made to refer it back to committee for further refinement.

04/26/04-26By voice vote, FB.04.03 was referred back to committee.

04/26/04-27The Chancellor presented for action CO.04.01*, Resolution Regarding UIUC Parking Policies.Senator Henrique Reis (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on Campus Operations, moved approval of his committee’s resolution.An amendment was approved to restate the first resolution, to wit: all parking policies shall be subject to “senate review and concurrence” rather than “faculty oversight and senate approval”.

04/26/04-28By show of hands (30-36), CO.04.01 was defeated.

04/26/04-29Chancellor Cantor presented for action EP.04.31*, Section Specific Course Titles.Senator Burton welcomed any questions or comments.Senator H. George Friedman (ENGR) believed the existence of a sunset clause was ambiguous and he moved to refer the proposal back to the Educational Policy Committee for clarification.

04/26/04-30By voice vote, EP.04.31 was referred back to committee.

Proposed Revisions to the Senate Bylaws

04/26/04-31The Chancellor presented for action SP.04.09*, Revisions to Bylaws, Part D.19 (b) – Committee on University Student Life, Membership.Senator Finnerty, Chair of the Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures, briefly described the background for this proposal and he moved its approval.

04/26/04-32By voice vote, SP.04.09 was approved.

Reports for Information of the Senate

The Presiding Officer presented the following reports for information:

04/26/04-33AF.04.01*, USA Patriot Act
04/26/04-34BG.04.01*, Budget Recommendations (oral report)
04/26/04-35GP.01.06*, Evaluation of Ability to Work
04/26/04-36HE.04.10*, Report of the March 26 FAC/IBHE Meeting
04/26/04-37HE.04.09*, Report of the February 27 BHE Meeting
04/26/04-38HE.04.11*, Report of the April 13 BHE Meeting
04/26/04-39UC.04.06*, Report of the March 30 USC Meeting

Senator Barclay Jones (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on the Budget, provided an update on some elements of the budgeting process, e.g.,a slight decrease is expected to be offset by a tuition increase, a slightly larger campus community brings correspondingly higher expenses, the work of Vice-President Gardner’s tuition/fee committee, the faculty letter-writing campaign to legislators, and current status of the budget situation in Springfield.

Senate Committee Annual Reports

Chancellor Nancy Cantor, in her final official act as presiding officer of the Senate, presented the following reports for information:

04/26/04-40AF.04.02*, Academic Freedom and Tenure
04/26/04-41AD.04.01*, Admissions
04/26/04-42BG.04.02*, Budget
04/26/04-43CO.04.02*, Campus Operations
04/26/04-44CC.04.14*, Committee on Committees
04/26/04-45EP.04.39*, Educational Policy
04/26/04-46EQ.04.01*, Equal Opportunity
04/26/04-47FB.04.04*, Faculty Benefits
04/26/04-48GP.04.03*, General University Policy
04/26/04-49HD.04.02*, Honorary Degrees
04/26/04-50SP.04.10*, University Statutes and Senate Procedures
04/26/04-51SL.04.01*, University Student Life

The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.