University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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Senate Executive Committee Annual Report

The Senate Executive Committee (nee Senate Council) is responsible for initiating and guiding the work of the Senate and for coordinating Senate committee activities.  The Executive Committee (SEC) appoints Senate observers to Board of Trustees meetings, provides input on the constitution of standing and ad hoc campus committees, and participates in the annual reviews of campus administrators.

The SEC meets on a monthly basis throughout the year to hear updates from Senate committee chairs and the Senate’s representatives to the University Senates Conference and the Faculty Advisory Council to the Illinois Board of Higher Education.  SEC meetings include regular sessions with the Chancellor, the Provost, and other campus administrators.  The following report summarizes the activities of the Senate Executive Committee during 2002-03.

UI Integrate.
  The SEC continues to monitor progress on the UI Integrate initiative.  The University-wide records computing system is scheduled to be fully implemented by May 2004.  The Senate Educational Policy Committee continues to review proposals related to the new records system for subsequent action by the Senate and brings any controversial matters to the Senate Executive Committee for its advice.  (See also EP.02.32.)

University Board of Trustees.
  In an effort to further communication between the Urbana-Champaign Senate and the University Board of Trustees, the Senate Executive Committee periodically meets with the Board liaisons to the Urbana campus.  SEC met with Trustees Kenneth Schmidt and Marjorie Sodemann during the fall 2002 semester.  (A spring meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather conditions.)  These sessions provide an opportunity for more informal interaction with our Trustees and cover a wide range of topics.  More meetings have been planned for the 2003-04 Senate year.

Meetings with President Stukel.
  The Senate Executive Committee met with President Stukel in January to discuss issues affecting the University as a whole and those relating to the Urbana-Champaign campus specifically.  Of particular concern this year is the University’s budget situation.  Consistent with the University Statutes, SEC met with President Stukel again in May to provide input on the evaluation of the campus chancellor.

Status of Academic Professionals on Senate Committees.
  Ms. Ginger Winckler, Chair of the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), met with the SEC during 2000-01 seeking PAC voting representation in the Senate.  On February 4, 2002, the Senate approved a proposal from its Statutes Committee (SP.02.07) to add academic professionals as voting members to ten standing committees: Admissions, Budget, Campus Operations, Continuing Education & Public Service, Equal Opportunity, Faculty Benefits, General University Policy, Information Technology, University Statutes and Senate Procedures, and University Student Life.  Academic professional appointments to Senate committees became effective with the 2002-03 Senate term.

Policy Review.
  The Executive Committee heard from committee chairs, campus administrators and other invited guests when considering recommended implementation of the following policies and changes.  (The current disposition of each item can be obtained from the Senate Office.)

Interim Policy on Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems
Severe Sanctions Less Than Dismissal

Policy and Procedures on Academic Integrity in Research and Publication
University Statutes, Art. II, Section 4, regarding eligibility to serve on the Faculty Advisory Committee

Provost’s Communication No. 1, Budgetary Principles and Practice, regarding the addition of a Senate Budget Committee member ex officio on the Campus Budget Oversight Committee.
Code of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students

Committee Appointments.
  The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee, the Senate Executive Committee itself, and the Senate are asked to suggest names for committee members that are appointed at the campus level.  Among these are the Campus Promotions and Tenure Committee, the Campus Budget Oversight Committee, and the campus Research Policy Committee.  The membership of these committees was reported to the Senate at its February 4 meeting (SC.02.08).  The SEC and/or Senate also provided input on nominations to the Criminal History Review Committee and the Academic Leadership Council.

On behalf of the Senate Executive Committee, I thank the faculty, academic and administrative staff members, and student senators, who have conscientiously contributed to the welfare of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign through participation in Senate deliberations and service on Senate committees.

Respectfully submitted,

Professor Robert M. Fossum, Chair
Urbana-Champaign Senate Executive Committee

NOTE: At its December 3, 2001, meeting, the Urbana-Champaign Senate approved a change in the name of its executive committee, formerly called the Senate Council.  (RE: Senate Bylaws, Part D.1; SP.02.04)

The Senate web address is <>.