University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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September 25, 2006


University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign Senate

SC.06.12         Report on the Board of Trustees Meeting at UIC, Thursday, July 13, 2006

The main action of interest to our campus taken by the Board is the passing of a new policy on the hiring of retirees. Members of the Board acknowledged the benefit to the University in using the resources of knowledge and experience available in retired faculty. The new policy states that retirees in the following categories may be re-employed for the purposes described without prior Board approval:

1)      Retired faculty members who teach courses, advise students and perform related duties on a part-time or occasional basis.
2)      Retired faculty or staff members who conduct research on appointments funded by grants and contracts.
3)      Retired clinical faculty members who are employed to provide patient care on a part-time or occasional basis.
4)      Retirees who are appointed as academic hourly employees on a temporary basis.
5)      Retirees who are appointed on a temporary basis to perform staff functions when other options are not feasible.

Other appointments of retirees will require prior Board approval.

The Board approved an amendment to the Statutes stating that "Employment policies applicable to an academic professional employee at the university level shall be those of the campus at which the employee's principal office is located."

The Board approved the employment of an architect/engineering firm in preparation for the installation of three energy-generating wind turbines on the south farms portion of the campus. The turbines will be connected to the University-owned and operated electrical distribution system.

The Board approved hiring professional services for the renovation and expansion of the Intramural Physical Education Building and several student dinning facilities, in particular, that of the Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Hall.

Respectfully submitted
Peter Loeb, UIUC Senate Observer