Urbana-Champaign Senate
April 24, 2000; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium
I. Approval of
March 20, 2000, Senate Minutes
II. Senate Council Report-Robert Rich, Chair
III. Chancellor's Remarks
IV. Questions/Discussion
V. Consent Agenda
Proposal for the Establishment of a Center for Public Safety
Educational Policy (R. M. Leuthold, Chair) EP.00.25
2000-2001 Senate/Senate Council Calendar
Senate Council SC.00.11
VI. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes (Second Reading)
Amendments to the Statutes, Article IX: Proposed New Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14
(Re: Definition of Cause; Progressive Response; Sanctions; Dismissal for Cause, respectively)
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (R. M. Fossum, Chair) SP.97.06
Multi-Year Contracts for Full-Time Non-Tenured Academic Staff
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.00.06
VII. Proposals for Action
Nomination for a Representative to the FAC/IBHE
Committee on Committees CC.00.10
Resolution of the Fifth Senate Review Commission
Senate Review Commission XSR.00.02
Faculty Representation to the Board of Trustees
University Senates Conference UC.00.11
Guidelines for Approving Online Degree Programs
Educational Policy EP.00.23
Resolution on Child Care
Equal Opportunity (H. Von Gunden, Chair) EQ.97.02
Resolution on Faculty Salary and Benefits
Budget (J. G. Ward, Chair) BG.00.03
VIII. Proposed Revisions to the Code from CCG
Revisions to Rule 62, Access to Student Records
Conference on Conduct Governance (CCG) (N. Burbules, Chair) CG.00.08
Proposed New Rule 8.5 on Mandatory Assessment and Revisions to Rules 16/17
CCG CG.00.02
Revisions to Rule 33, Academic Misconduct
CCG CG.00.04
Revisions to Rule 34, Attendance
CCG CG.00.06
Revisions to Rule 22, Political Canvassing
CCG CG.00.07
IX. Reports for Information of the Senate
Update on the Academics of Student Athletes at the University of Illinois
Athletic Board AB.00.02
FAC/IBHE, February 25, T. Weech, HE.00.06
USC, March 27, G. Belford, UC.00.06
System of Periodic Faculty Review
X. Senate Committee Annual Reports
SC.00.13 Senate Council
AC.00.04 Academic Calendar
AF.00.02 Academic Freedom and Tenure
BG.00.04 Budget
CC.00.09 Committee on Committees
CG.00.09 Conference on Conduct Governance
PS.00.01 Continuing Education and Public Service
EP.00.24 Educational Policy
EQ.00.02 Equal Opportunity
FB.00.01 Faculty Benefits
GP.00.06 General University Policy
HD.00.02 Honorary Degrees
LB.00.03 Library
SL.00.01 University Student Life
SP.00.11 University Statutes and Senate Procedures
XI. New Business
Matters not included on the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.
XII. Executive Session
All visitors will be asked to leave before the Senate considers the following report, which will be distributed to senators in attendance, and collected before each member leaves the auditorium.
Nominations for Honorary Degrees
Honorary Degrees (W. D. Seitz, Chair) HD.00.03
XIII. Adjournment
Note: The responses from the Senate Committees on
Equal Opportunity
andGeneral University Policy
to the
Report of the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of
Women (CCSW)
are included here for your information.