University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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October 29, 2001

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m. in 150 Animal Sciences Lab. with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.


10/29/01-01 The minutes of the September 17, 2001, Senate meeting were approved as corrected.


Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Chair of Senate Council, advised all present to pick up the following items at the door:

· SC.02.05
· Senator Loeb's proposed amendment to UC.02.00

He then reported that Senate Council had a mutually satisfying meeting with Trustees Lamont, Schmidt, and Sodemann two weeks ago. Council plans to meet with this group of Trustees, who are the Board liaisons to the Urbana-Champaign campus, during the spring semester.

Fossum announced that he has asked the presiding officer (Chancellor Cantor) to apply Robert's Rules for debate and ask senators to submit any and all amendments in writing to the Senate Clerk.

Turning to UC.02.00, he briefly described the decade-long history of this proposal. Fossum noted that it is now presented as a report from the University Senates Conference (USC) and, as such, should be treated as a conference report is treated in the United States Senate, i.e., it should not be amendable. Rather, the senate may approve a resolution related to UC.02.00 in which they may send any further message to USC. He added that discussion of this item should not extend beyond 30 minutes.

Senator Fossum reminded senators to remain in the auditorium for the consideration of honorary degrees under Executive Session scheduled at the end of today's agenda.

Fossum announced that the following senators have agreed to serve as tellers: Karen Chapman-Novakofski (ACES), Robert Rich (LAW), and Billie Theide (FAA).


Dr. Nancy Cantor spoke to four campus issues:

· Safety and security
· Board of Trustees Liaisons
· General budget update
· Strategic investments

In the wake of the events of September 11, the campus has been conducting a safety and security audit, to evaluate procedures we have in place at this time for heightened attention. She encouraged all present to send suggestions in this area to Vice Chancellor Charles Colbert or Associate Chancellor Larry Mann.

Board members who have been appointed as liaisons to Urbana-Champaign are interested in campus life and, as a result, have expressed interest in attending some classes. Trustee Gravenhorst did so a couple of years ago, and the enthusiasm she brought back to her Board colleagues encouraged them to do the same. Departments are not obligated to participate, but we hope to be able to offer the Trustees a good cross-section of the disciplines available here.

We have hired 195 faculty this year, for a net gain of about 75 persons. This is very encouraging, but we need to work hard to keep this momentum moving in the upward direction.

A dialogue about campus level investments will begin next spring, and will be open to faculty and students. Just a few of the areas to benefit from our strategic investments will be biotechnology, humanities, and the nexus of arts and technology.


In the wake of Senate-approved resolutions that the administration has heretofore not acted upon - to institute benefits such as 403 (b) matching savings plans and to offer benefits to domestic partners of University employees - a student senator asked Dr. Cantor her definition of shared governance.

Chancellor Cantor replied that while she appreciates her time working with the Senate, she could not pledge to follow every resolution to the letter. She added that things do not always translate perfectly, and that individuals will sometimes be disappointed.

Senator Stephen Kaufman (MED) expressed concern that the Board liaisons to this campus could become micro-managers. While he welcomed the exchange of ideas and information with Board members, he wondered if they might seek to quash campus discussion. Senator Fossum responded that open dialogue with the Trustees can only help both sides.


The Chancellor reported that the following items for information have been carried over from the September 17 meeting; she suggested that questions be directed to those responsible for writing the reports.

10/29/01-02 EP.01.22*, Revision of Course Numbering System,
10/29/01-03 BG.01.02*, 2000-01 Annual Report of the Senate Committee on the Budget,
10/29/01-04 SC.01.17*, Report of the May 23-24 Board of Trustees Meeting,
10/29/01-05 SC.01.18*, Report of the July 11-12 Board of Trustees Meeting,
10/29/01-06 HE.01.08*, Report of the April 27 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
10/29/01-07 HE.01.09*, Report of the May 11 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
10/29/01-08 HE.01.10*, Report of the June 8 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
10/29/01-09 UC.01.07*, Report of the April 25 University Senates Conference Meeting,
10/29/01-10 UC.01.08*, Report of the May 25 University Senates Conference Meeting,
10/29/01-11 UC.01.09*, Report of the June 28 University Senates Conference Meeting.


10/29/01-12 The Presiding Officer presented for action UC.02.00*, Revisions to the University of Illinois Statutes - Terms of Faculty Employment (ST-30). Senator Robert Fossum, Chair of the Senate Council and member of the Urbana delegation to the University Senates Conference (USC), briefly described the background of this proposal. He moved its approval.

Senator Harry Hilton (ENGR) did not agree with Fossum's claim that since this was a report from a conference, it could not be amended. He believed there is no provision in either our Senate Bylaws or the University Statutes for such a claim; he asked if the UIC Senate amended this document. Fossum replied that they recommended it be amended, but they did not formally amend it.

Senator H. George Friedman (ENGR) raised a point of order and asked the Senate parliamentarian, Senator Ken Andersen (LAS), for a ruling on this "amendability" matter. Senator Andersen replied that the Senate could approve this proposal up or down and then approve resolution(s) addressing any problems or concerns.

Senator Friedman accepted that response, adding that he was in favor of the proposal with or without Senator Loeb's proposed amendment which was distributed at the door. He pointed out that even if we approve this report, our Statutes Committee must still write and the Senate must adopt procedures to make it work.

Senator Peter Loeb (LAS) moved that his amendment be approved - reminding the senate that his amendment will allow the language in our proposal to exactly match that approved by the other two campuses. He believed the three senates should speak with one voice on this matter to the President and the Board. His motion was seconded.

Senator Fossum did not understand how "mediation" is to be defined in the framework of Loeb's amendment. He believed the appropriate place for such a term should be in the campus procedures.

Senator Richard Schacht (LAS) observed that most of the listed causes which would trigger these sanctions do not seem to be of the sort where mediation would do much good (e.g., threatening physical harm, destroying property). He urged the Senate to vote down the amendment. Senator Robert Rich (LAW) was not moved by the reasoning that we should approve the amendment simply because the other campuses did so.

Senator R. Linn Belford (LAS) was not persuaded by the arguments against the amendment; he saw nothing objectionable about it, pointing out that it only calls for the parties involved to "attempt" a settlement through mediation.

A motion to close debate on the Loeb amendment was approved by voice vote.

By show of hands, the Loeb amendment failed (46-55).

Senator Richard Jerrard (LAS) expressed a preference for voting down this proposal and then approving a separate resolution explaining what we don't like about it. Senator Carolyn Dry (FAA) was concerned about the vague definition of "harassment". Senator Fossum believed that Senator Dry's concerns would best be handled within the campus procedures.

10/29/01-13 By show of hands, UC.02.00 was approved.

By show of hands, the Senate approved a sense of the Senate that campus procedures should include reference to a faculty member having the right to be represented by counsel at the hearing before the elected committee. Fossum indicated this information would be forwarded to the University Statutes and Senate Procedures Committee (USSP), who will be charged with developing the campus procedures.

10/29/01-14 The Chancellor presented for action SC.02.05*, Nominations for the Campus Budget Oversight Committee (CBOC). Senator Fossum pointed out that in accord with procedures approved by our Senate, there may be no modifications to this slate. He moved its approval.

10/29/01-15 By voice vote, the nominations were approved. (The departmental listing for continuing CBOC member Professor Lawrence Bergman was corrected to Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering.)


Dr. Cantor announced that, absent the objections of any senator, the following proposals under this moniker were approved by unanimous consent. Senator David Sansone requested that EP.02.07 be considered separately.

10/29/01-16 EP.01.22*, Revision of Course Numbering System,
10/29/01-17 EP.02.01*, Revision of the Bachelor of Science Curriculum in Speech and Hearing Science, ALS,
10/29/01-18 EP.02.02*, Addition of an Undergraduate Concentration in Rehabilitation Studies,
10/29/01-19 EP.02.05*, Proposed Changes to the M.S.P.H. in Community Health, ALS,
10/29/01-20 EP.02.06*, Proposal to Discontinue the Speech Teaching Option in the Speech Communication Major of the Sciences and Letters Curriculum,
10/29/01-21 EP.02.08*, General Education Requirements for Teaching Option of Majors in Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies, and Foreign Languages,
10/29/01-22 EP.02.09*, Proposal from the College of Engineering to Establish a Minor in Physics,
10/29/01-23 EP.02.12*, Proposal to Discontinue the Teacher Education Minor in the Speech Communication Major of the Sciences and Letters Curriculum.

Senator Sansone asked why the Department of Classics was not consulted for this proposal, since the proposed curriculum includes Latin 360, which is administered through Classics. Senator Susan Lamb, Chair of the Educational Policy Committee, explained that this set of courses has existed and functioned for 20 years; LAS decided to establish an official concentration in this field. By voice vote, the following was approved.

10/29/01-24 EP.02.07*, Proposal for a Graduate Concentration in Medieval Studies.


Chancellor Cantor presented the following reports for information:

10/29/01-25 FAC.02.01*, 2000-01 Annual Report of the Faculty Advisory Committee,
10/29/01-26 SC.02.04*, Report of the September 12-13 Board of Trustees Meeting,
10/29/01-27 HE.02.01*, Report of the September 7 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
10/29/01-28 HE.02.02*, Report of the October 2 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
10/29/01-29 UC.01.10*, Report of the July 25 University Senates Conference Meeting,
10/29/01-30 UC.02.01*, Report of the September 20 University Senates Conference Meeting.

In reference to SC.02.04, Senator Kaufman asked for an explanation of the promotion of Stephen Rugg to Vice President for Administration and Comptroller. Senator Andersen replied that, in accord with the University Statutes and the General Rules, the President had consulted with USC prior to this appointment.


The Senate approved a motion to enter Executive Session for purposes of discussing honorary degree nominations. The Senate exited Executive Session at 4:45 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.