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Urbana-Champaign Senate
December 8, 2003; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium

I. Approval of November 3, 2003, Senate Minutes

II. Senate Executive Committee Report - Michael Grossman, Chair

III. Chancellor's Remarks - In addition to a progress report by Jack Dempsey, Executive Director for Facilities and Services, on the reorganization of his office, Provost Richard Herman will provide an update on the budget.

IV. Questions/Discussion

V. Consent Agenda

Proposal from BUS to Establish a Minor in Business for Non-Business students
Educational Policy (V. Burton, Chair) EP.04.08

Proposal to Discontinue the Undergraduate Consumer and Textile Marketing Major, ACES
Educational Policy EP.04.11

Guidelines for Graduate Minors
Educational Policy EP.04.12

Proposal to Rename the Russian and East European Center to the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center
Educational Policy EP.04.13

Revision of the Industrial Design Undergraduate Curriculum, FAA
Educational Policy EP.04.14

Deadline for Filing Nominations for the Faculty Advisory Committee
Senate Executive Committee SC.04.05

VI. Proposals for Action
Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate
Committee on Committees (J. Prussing, Chair) CC.04.05

Nominations for Membership on the RPC
Committee on Committees CC.04.06

Prefiled Resolution
Prefiled Resolution (Co-sponsored by 14 senators) RS.04.02

VII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Bylaws (withdrawn)
Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.8. - Committee on Continuing Education and Public Service
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (J. Finnerty, Chair) SP.04.05

VIII. Proposals from the Conference on Conduct Governance (CCG)
Proposal to Amend Rule 75 (A) of the Code; Separate Transcript Policy
CCG (N. Burbules, Chair) CG.04.03

Proposed Revision to Rule 62 of the Code: Access to Student Records
CCG CG.03.05

Statement of Sen. M. Roszkowski re CG.03.05
Sen. M. Roszkowski (BUS 04-4 05)

IX. Reports for Information of the Senate
BOT November 13 M. Mallory SC.04.06

FAC/IBHE November 7 K. Andersen HE.04.04

USC (N. O'Brien):
October 28

November 19

X. New Business

XI. Adjournment