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March 29, 2004

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.

03/29/04-01 The minutes of February 16, 2004, were approved as written.

Senator Michael Grossman (ACES), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), delivered the following remarks:

Welcome back from Spring Break. I hope you are now sufficiently energized to make it through the rest of the semester. After the Senate meeting last month, President Stukel met with the Senate Executive Committee (SEC) to discuss issues related to the University and this campus, including searches for the new President and Chancellor, and to seek advice on plans to appoint an Interim Chancellor. As you know by now, Richard Herman, our Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs has been named Interim Chancellor.

At the Board of Trustees Special Meeting on February 19th, to launch the search for the President, the Board heard from representatives of the three campuses, among others, who identified needs of their campuses and of the University, and the qualifications of a President to meet those needs. Details are in SC.04.10, beginning on page 95 of today's packet.

At its March 11th meeting, the Board approved the composition and charge to the Consultative Committee to Assist in the Selection of a President. In connection with that meeting, SEC was invited to a luncheon with the Board, as a means to enhance communication between the SEC and the Board.

SEC recently received the charge from President Stukel to begin the search for a Chancellor for our campus. Procedures related to this search are submitted for your approval in SC.04.11, on pages 69 and 70. Nominations for membership on the Chancellor's Search Committee will be solicited shortly by the Committee on Committees, and will be submitted for your approval at the April 26th Senate meeting.

SEC was joined recently by Athletic Board Chair Susan Cohen and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Ron Guenther, who presented a summary of the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics' Framework for Comprehensive Athletics Reform. The goal of reform is to highlight positive aspects of intercollegiate athletics, those that contribute to personal development of athletes and that enhance college life. The framework for reform, as described in its Executive Summary, focuses on academic integrity, athlete welfare, governance, finances, and over-commercialization. A report for Senate action to endorse in principle the goals featured in the Executive Summary will be presented at the April Senate meeting.

After months of tireless efforts to hear and respond to a myriad of opinions on the matter, the Committee on Educational Policy is presenting for your approval today Computation of Grade Point Average, which is EP.04.07 on pages 73 and 74.

Also, the Conference on Conduct Governance is presenting a complete re-write of Rule 17 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Code of Policies and Regulations Applying to all Students, which is CG.03.06 and begins on page 81.

Floor privileges have been requested for Ms. Ilene Harned, coordinator of the Alcohol and Other Drug Office (AODO) at McKinley Health Center, to speak to CG.03.06. I move that such privileges be granted. (There was no objection.)

Tellers for today's meeting are Senators Herman Krier, Grant Ullrich, Rick Strand, and Mike Tumbleson.

Finally, the Student Senate Caucus reported to SEC about its successful letter-writing campaign to state legislators, which yielded 1,464 letters in support of the University Budget and an opportunity for two students to speak before a hearing of the House Appropriations - Higher Education Committee. Thank you Felipe and Hassen. In that regard, I would like to introduce Senator Barclay Jones, a member of the Executive Committee and chair of the Budget Committee, to talk about a letter-writing campaign by faculty to state legislators.

Senator Jones spoke about the need for faculty to develop a letter-writing campaign to state legislators to parallel the efforts of students in this area. He urged faculty senators to think of vignettes (classroom conditions, increased class size, etc.) to use in their letters as examples of the effects of budget tightening. He indicated that he will be getting more information to senators as it becomes available.

In light of the two guest speakers today, Chancellor Cantor deferred her remarks and turned the podium over to Charles Zukoski, Vice-Chancellor for Research, who described elements of the campus research enterprise, such as new funding and cross-campus initiatives, how his office supports the enterprise, graduate student enrollment, awards, and growth in economic development. He encouraged all present to read the brochure, developed by his office and distributed in the lobby, which provides a comprehensive overview of campuswide research initiatives.

Next, Pam Voitik, Director of Campus Service for Facilities, discussed Proximity Parking, a parking system similar to systems in place at The Ohio State University, Purdue University, and the University of Michigan.

In a nutshell, this proposed system would set a number of parking zones and zone sizes, determine proximity zones for each campus building, identify target parking rates, specify minimum differences between zones, and identify customer zone preferences. (Copies of Ms. Voitik's Powerpoint presentation are available from her office.)

Ms. Voitik fielded an array of questions, concerns and suggestions, addressing safety, faculty productivity, sliding rate schedules, multi-users, medical conditions and others. (It was conveyed that the Senate will see some form of this proposal again as it is developed further.)

The Presiding Officer announced that the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent:

03/29/04-02 EP.04.23*, Revision of the Specialized Physics Curriculum,
03/29/04-03 EP.04.24*, Revision of the LAS Science and Letters Curriculum in Physics,
03/29/04-04 EP.04.25*, Revision of the Linguistics Minor,
03/29/04-05 EP.04.26*, Revision of the Linguistics Major,
03/29/04-06 EP.04.27*, Revision of the Mathematics Minor to Include the Honors Sequence,
03/29/04-07 EP.04.28*, Revision of the Mathematics Major to Include the Honors Sequence,
03/29/04-08 EP.04.29*, Revision of the Russian Language and Literature Major,
03/29/04-09 EP.04.30*, Revision of the History Minor.

03/29/04-10 Chancellor Cantor presented for action SC.04.11*, Procedures for Selecting a Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor. Senator Michael Grossman, Chair of the Senate Executive Committee, moved its approval.

03/29/04-11 By voice vote, SC.04.11 was approved.

03/29/04-12 Dr. Cantor presented for action IT.04.01*, Proposed Modifications to Policy on Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems, Section 7.b. Senator George Francis (LAS), Chair of the Senate Committee on Information Technology, summarized the background for this proposal and he moved its approval.

03/29/04-13 By voice vote, IT.04.01 was approved.

03/29/04-14 The Chancellor presented for action EP.04.07*, Computation of Grade Point Average. Senators Vernon Burton (LAS) and Abbas Aminmansour (FAA), Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Educational Policy, described the thorough efforts of their Committee to ferret out and respond to varied campus opinions on this policy.

Since misconceptions about this policy may have bolstered its critics, Senator Burton then wove a southern folk tale illustrating the use and misuse of "facts". (For further information, ask the esteemed Senator about the story of Pee Wee and Bubba.)

03/29/04-15 By voice vote, EP04.07 was approved. (The Senate added a round of applause for the Committee.)

03/29/04-16 The Chancellor presented for action SP.04.08*, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.13 - Committee on Honorary Degrees. Senator Joseph Finnerty (BUS), Chair of the Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures, briefly described the background for this proposal and he moved its approval.

Senator Belden Fields (LAS) moved to include "non-governmental civic activity" under the Public Service section of honorary degree candidate selection criteria; he also moved to add "Labor" to the Business and Industry heading under the criteria umbrella. Both motions were approved.

03/29/04-17 By voice vote, SP.04.08 was approved, as amended.

03/29/04-18 The Chancellor presented for action SP.04.05*, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.8 - Committee on Continuing Education and Public Sevice. Senator Finnerty recapitulated the thorough consultative process used by USSP on this proposal; he moved its approval.

03/29/04-19 By voice vote, SP.04.05 was approved.

03/29/14-20 Chancellor Cantor presented for information and discussion CG.03.06*, Revisions to the Code, Rule 17 - Alcoholic Beverages. Senator Mark Roszkowski (BUS), Acting CCG Chair, explained that this item has been brewing for about four years, and is the result of a collaboration between CCG and a task force chaired by Bill Riley, Dean of Students. During Spring 2004, the draft was reviewed by the Senate Executive Committee, resulting in changes that are incorporated into this final draft.

The purpose of the revision is to conform Rule 17 to existing law and University policy. Presenting revised Rule 17 to the Senate provides an opportunity to focus attention on the serious alcohol abuse problem on campus. Senator Roszkowski then summarized the changes to Rule 17, including reference to attached reports from the Alcohol and Other Drug Office (AODO) and the Senate Committee on Student Discipline.

Questions/concerns raised included: the need to insert portions of state law into one of the University's policy documents, why prosecution by local law enforcement would not be sufficient for alcohol offenses, why not regulate fried food intake since it appears other behavior is attempting to be regulated, and whether this new language would help with the perceived alcohol problem on campus.

Ms. Ilene Harned, coordinator of the AODO at McKinley Health Center, described her office's mandatory assessment policy, its local partnerships in training programs, including local police, and she pointed out that her overarching concern is for the health and safety of members of the community.

The Presiding Officer presented the following reports for information:

03/29/04-21 SC.04.10*, Report of the February 19 BOT Meeting,
03/29/04-22 HE.04.07*, Report of the January 30 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
03/29/04-23 HE.04.08*, Report of the February 3 BHE Meeting,
03/29/04-24 UC.04.05*, Report of the February 20 USC Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.