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Urbana-Champaign Senate Meeting
September 27, 2004

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Interim Chancellor Richard Herman presiding.

Approval of Minutes

09/27/04-01The minutes of the April 26, 2004, Senate meeting were approved as written.

Senate Executive Committee Report
Senator Michael Grossman (ACES), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), reported on the following activities of the SEC and other items related to today’s agenda:

· One of the duties of the SEC is to “provide advice annually to the Chancellor on the appointment or reappointment of the Vice Chancellors.” Based on the annual reports of three of the vice chancellors, and an in-depth evaluation of the activities of the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, SEC advised Chancellor Cantor on their reappointment. In addition, SEC has instituted the practice of meeting with each vice-chancellor in executive session to explore the role, responsibilities, and activities of the office. The SEC met in May, June, and July, with each of the three vice chancellors to discuss his annual report. We plan to have similar discussions next summer.

· In June, Chancellor Herman sought the advice of the SEC in the appointment of an Acting Provost.You know the result, of course. The SEC and the Senate welcome Provost Jesse Delia, and we look forward to working with him in the future.

·In August, the North Central Association forwarded its report to the campus on its “focused visit” last April. Chancellor Herman transmitted the report to the Board of Trustees, indicating that he intended to conduct a comprehensive study on whether “the Chief issue and surrounding controversy is harmful to educational effectiveness” on this campus. Chancellor Herman has sought the advice of the SEC in establishing a committee to address this matter, and will be addressing the issue further in today’s remarks.

· The Board of Trustees, at its September 9th meeting, approved two Amendments to the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, which is agenda item SC.05.04 under Reports for Information of the Senate on page 13. One amendment is related to the position description for the Vice President for Technology and Economic Development, and the other is related to the relationship between the Vice President and campus vice chancellors for research, regarding technology and commercialization. In accord with University Statutes, the President consulted with the University Senates Conference prior to submitting the amendments to the Board for vote. The SEC wants the Senate to be aware of this initiative and to know that we will be following closely how these changes play out over time.

· The Senate now has its own Web domain:

. During the summer, Abbas Aminmansour, Chair of Educational Policy, developed a website for Ed Policy, on which are information related to changes in programs, degrees, and units; information related to proposal forms and changes in courses; and information related to the status of proposals.Working with other Senate committees, we plan to construct similar websites as appropriate, so that reports can be posted on the Senate web site as they become available.

· On behalf of the SEC, I would like to thank all those who attended last week’s Annual Meeting of the Faculty, which was the last for President Stukel. The SEC presented him with a Resolution of Appreciation in recognition of his outstanding service to the university and to the Urbana-Champaign campus. The turnout of faculty was one of the best in years, and we’re hoping to continue that trend next year.
Please remain in the auditorium for the full meeting, because the Senate will consider nominations for honorary degrees for Commencement 2005 in Executive Session at the end of today’s agenda. Grossman announced that the following senators have agreed to serve as tellers: John Prussing (ENGR) , John Campbell (LAS) , H. George Friedman (ENGR), and H. F. Williamson (BUS).

Grossman then turned the podium over to Professor Abbas Aminmansour, who spoke about his Academic Calendar Task Group, which is meeting to discuss ways to improve the current structure of our calendars.To that end, the good Professor encouraged all interested parties to email ideas, etc. about the calendar to

Chancellor’s Remarks

Chancellor Herman touched on matters related to tuition recommendations (first time that tuition monies have outweighed GRF), the campus/University response to the NCA report of its focused visit (Senate/Senate Executive Committee guidance may be sought in formation of “response” faculty committee), and enrollment issues that need addressing (rising numbers overall but declining for African/American and Latino/Latina students).


There were none.

Consent Agenda

The Presiding Officer announced that, absent the objections of any senator, the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent:

09/27/04-02EP.04.43*, Revision of Department of Theatre Undergraduate Curricula,
09/27/04-03EP.04.31*, Section Specific Course Titles,
09/27/04-04EP.05.07*, Denoting Concentrations on the Transcript.

Proposals for Action

09/27/04-05Chancellor Herman presented for action CC.05.03*, Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate and the Military Education Council.Senator John Prussing (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on Committees, moved approval of the slate of nominees.There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

09/27/04-06By voice vote, the slate was approved.

Reports for Information of the Senate

The Chancellor presented the following reports for information:

09/27/04-07SC.04.13*, 2003-2004 Annual Report of the Senate Executive Committee,
09/27/04-08SC.05.04*, Amendments to the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, Article I, Section 2 (d); Article III, Section 7 (j),
09/27/04-09SC.04.15*, Report of the June 17 BOT Meeting,
09/27/04-10SC.05.03*, Report of the September 9 BOT Meeting,
09/27/04-11HE.04.14*, Report of the June 8 BHE Meeting,
09/27/04-12HE.04.16*, Report of the August 10 BHE Meeting,
09/27/04-13HE.04.12*, Report of the April 23 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
09/27/04-14HE.04.13*, Report of the May 21 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
09/27/04-15HE.04.15*, Report of the June 11 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
09/27/04-16HE.05.01*, Report of the September 10 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
09/27/04-17UC.04.08*, Report of the April 28 USC Meeting,
09/27/04-18UC.04.09*, Report of the May 26 USC Meeting,
09/27/04-19UC.04.10*, Report of the June 22 USC Meeting,
09/27/04-20UC.04.11*, Report of the July 22 USC Meeting.

Senator Belden Fields (LAS) asked for an embellishment of an issue raised in HE.04.13, wherein UIS faculty may be required to teach at least one online course.Senator Ken Andersen (LAS), the campus FAC/IBHE representative and author of the report in question, recommended that further information could probably be obtained from the UIS representative to the FAC/IBHE.

Executive Session

The Senate approved a motion to enter Executive Session at 3:40 p.m. for purposes of considering candidates for honorary degrees. The Senate exited this session at 3:50 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.