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Urbana-Champaign Senate Meeting
April 30, 2007

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:15 p.m. in Levis Faculty Center with Chancellor Richard Herman presiding.

Approval of Minutes

04/30/07-01          The minutes of the March 26, 2007, Senate meeting were approved.

Senate Executive Committee Report

Senator Vernon Burton (LAS), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), provided the following report.

Welcome to our final regularly scheduled meeting of 2006-07.

I have been invited to join the Chancellor’s Committee for Campus Conduct/Campus Climate.  This Committee will be chaired by Chad Martinez, Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, and its purpose is to develop a program that will increase diversity awareness and cultivate a positive culture at the University. The program will address diversity, harassment, discrimination, disability and sexual orientation issues.  The committee will meet in May and continue through the summer and the next academic year. The expectation is to unveil the initial elements of the program around October and complete the development of the program during spring 2008.

At the door today, please pick up a copy of the recommendations of the Senate Review Commission (XSR.07.01).

Please stay for the entire meeting today, because the Senate will be considering nominations for honorary degrees in executive session as the last item of business.

Floor privileges have been requested for Tom Michael, Assistant Athletic Director for Academic Affairs, and Larry DeBrock, Chair of the Athletic Board’s Academic Progress and Eligibility Committee, to speak to AB.07.01, Update on the Academics of Student Athletes at UIUC.  I move that such floor privileges be granted (there was no objection).

Tellers for today’s meeting are Senators Joseph Finnerty (BUS), Harry Hilton (ENGR), and Geneva Belford (ENGR).

Chancellor’s Remarks

The Chancellor reported that the appointment of an interim Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement is expected to be approved at the May Board of Trustees meeting.  He added that while the budget situation out of Springfield is still unknown, a tuition increase may appear on the May Board agenda.  He then encouraged the Senate to join him in a round of applause to acknowledge the work of outgoing SEC Chair Burton.


There were no substantive questions.

Consent Agenda

The Presiding Officer announced that, absent objections of any senator, the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent:

04/30/07-02            EP.07.10*, Proposal to Establish a Joint Degree Involving the Civic Leadership Concentration, Master of Arts in Political Science, and the J.D., Colleges of LAS and Law,
04/30/07-03            EP.07.11*, Graduate Concentration in Civic Leadership within the M.A. in Political Science, LAS,
04/30/07-04            EP.07.12*, Proposal to Establish the Civic Leadership Program in Political Science, LAS,
04/30/07-05            EP.07.16*, Revised Guidelines for Undergraduate Minors,
04/30/07-06            EP.07.18*, Revision of Minor in Atmospheric Sciences,
04/30/07-07            EP.07.44*, Addition of an Honors Concentration to the Major in Sciences and Letters Curriculum in Molecular and Cellular Biology, LAS,
04/30/07-08            EP.07.45*, Terminate the Non-Teaching Minor in Instructional Applications of Computers, EDUCATION,
04/30/07-09            EP.07.46*, Proposal from LAS to Terminate Teacher Education Minors in Biology, Chemistry, Cinema Studies, Computer Science, Earth Science, English, French, General Science, German, History, Italian, Latin, Physical Science, Physics, Portuguese, Psychology, Rhetoric, Russian, Social Studies, Spanish, and Women’s Studies,
04/30/07-10            EP.07.47*, Revision to the Teacher Education Minor in Mathematics, Grades 6-8, LAS,
04/30/07-11            EP.07.48*, Revision to the Teacher Education Minor in Mathematics, Grades 9-12, LAS,
04/30/07-12            EP.07.49*, Proposal to Establish an Artist Diploma in Music, School of Music, FAA,
04/30/07-13            EP.07.50*, Proposal to Revise and Rename the Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology, AHS,
04/30/07-14            EP.07.51*, Proposal to Rename the Interdisciplinary Minor in Women’s Studies,
04/30/07-15            EP.07.52*, Proposal to Establish Graduate Concentrations within the Master of Music, FAA,
04/30/07-16            EP.07.53*, Proposal to Establish Graduate Concentrations within the Doctor of Musical Arts, FAA,
04/30/07-17            EP.07.54*, Master of Public Health Degree, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, AHS,
04/30/07-18            EP.07.55*, Revision to Establish Two Concentrations within the Ph.D. Curriculum in HCD, ACES,
04/30/07-19            EP.07.56*, Recognition of the Concentration in Spanish Linguistics within the M.A. in Spanish, LAS,
04/30/07-20            EP.07.57*, Minor in Molecular and Cellular Biology, LAS,
04/30/07-21            EP.07.59*, Undergraduate Informatics Minor.

Proposals for Action

04/30/07-22          Presented for action was CC.07.09*, Nominations to the State Universities Retirement System Members Advisory Committee.  Senator Kim Graber (AHS), Chair of the Committee on Committees, moved its approval.  There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

04/30/07-23          By voice vote, it was approved.

04/30/07-24          Chancellor Herman presented for action LB.07.01*, Recommendations to the Senate on CIC Provosts’ Statement on Publication Agreements.  Professor Greg McIsaac (ACES), Chair pro tem of the Committee on the Library, asked the Senate to endorse the three recommendations embedded in the report. He then moved its approval. 

04/30/07-25          By voice vote, LB.07.01 was approved.

04/30/07-26          The Chancellor presented for action FB.07.02*, Resolution on the Need to Fund Pensions.  Professor Barclay Jones (ENGR), Chair of the Committee on Faculty Benefits, moved its approval. 

04/30/07-27         By voice vote, it was approved unanimously.

Proposed Revisions to the Senate Constitution

04/30/07-28          Next presented for action was SP.07.04*, Editorial Revisions to the Senate Constitution.  Senator William Maher (LIBR), Chair of University Statutes and Senate Procedures, moved its approval.

04/30/07-29          By voice vote, it was approved.

Proposed Revisions to the Standing Rules of the Senate

04/30/07-30          Presented for action was SP.07.05*, Editorial Revisions to the Standing Rules of the Senate.  Senator Maher moved its approval.

04/30/07-31          By voice vote, it was approved.

Reports for Information of the Senate

The following reports were presented for information:

04/30/07-32          XSR.07.01*, Recommendations of the Sixth Senate Review Commission,
04/30/07-33          AB.07.01*, Update on the Academics of Student Athletes,
04/30/07-34          FAC.07.01*, 2005-06 Annual Report of the Faculty Advisory Committee,
04/30/07-35          HE.07.10*, March 27 IBHE,
04/30/07-36          HE.07.11*, March 27 FAC/IBHE,
04/30/07-37          HE.07.12*, April 13 FAC/IBHE,
04/30/07-38          SUR.07.03*, April 10 SURSMAC,
04/30/07-39          UC.07.06*, February 28 USC.

Senator Nicholas Burbules (EDUC), Chair of the Sixth Senate Review Commission (SRC), moved that items #1 through 4 of the SRC report be moved to New Business on today’s agenda for purposes of the Senate taking action on them.

There were several objections to adding item #1 (determination of quorum) to New Business.  There were no objections to adding items 2, 3, and 4 to New Business.

New Business

04/30/07-40          Senator Burbules moved approval of items 2, 3, and 4, of XSR.07.01 - videorecording and webcasting of Senate meetings (#2), self-review of all Senate standing committees (#3), and SEC consideration of adding a meeting each year to hear reports from standing committees (#4).

04/30/07-41          By voice vote, these items were approved.

Executive Session

The Senate entered executive session at 4:15 p.m. for purposes of considering nominations for honorary degrees.  The Senate exited this session at 4:25 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.