Urbana-Champaign Senate Meeting
April 28, 2008
A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:15 p.m. at the Levis Faculty Center with Chancellor Richard Herman presiding.
Approval of Minutes
04/28/08-01 The minutes of March 31 were approved.
Senate Executive Committee Report
Senator Nicholas Burbules (EDUC), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), provided the following report.
The Educational Policy Committee, at the request of the sponsor, would like to withdraw EP.08.60, Rename the Department of, and all Degrees from, Speech and Hearing Science to Department of Speech, Hearing and Language Sciences, College of Applied Health Sciences.
As I mentioned at the last Senate meeting, the proposals under Consent Agenda were only distributed electronically via the Senate website. If senators had questions about a proposal, they were urged to contact the Chair of the relevant Committee well in advance of the Senate meeting. If a senator wished to move an item from the Consent Agenda to Proposals for Action, they needed to notify the Senate Office of this intent at least two business days (by Thursday, April 24) before the meeting. Since no such request has come forward, the items under Consent Agenda will be approved.
Floor privileges have been requested for Tom Michael, Assistant Athletic Director for Academic Affairs, and Professor Larry DeBrock, Chair of the Academic Progress and Eligibility Committee of the Athletic Board, to speak to AB.08.01, Update on the Academics of Student Athletes at the University of Illinois.
Floor privileges have also been requested for Stacey Kostell, Director of Admissions, to speak to SS.08.01, Report of the Director of Undergraduate Admissions on the Admission of Student-Athletes. I move that such privileges be granted to these individuals; there was no objection.
Tellers for today’s meeting are Senators Mary Mallory (LIBR), Alex Scheeline (LAS), Lisa Spanierman (EDUC), and Susan Davis (LAS).
Chancellor’s Remarks
Chancellor Richard Herman deferred his remarks.
There were no substantive comments.
Consent Agenda
The Presiding Officer announced that the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent:
04/28/08-02 EP.08.52*, Proposal from the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations to Change the Name and Status of the Institute to the School of Labor and Employment Relations,
04/28/08-03 EP.08.55*, Revision of the Concentrations in the Undergraduate Major in the Science and Letters Curriculum in German, College of LAS,
04/28/08-04 EP.08.56*, Proposal from the Graduate College to Establish a Graduate Minor in Heritage Studies,
04/28/08-05 EP.08.57*, Establishment of an Undergraduate Minor in Scandinavian Studies, College of LAS,
04/28/08-06 EP.08.58*, Proposed Revisions to the BALAS in Spanish, College of LAS,
04/28/08-07 EP.08.59*, Proposed Revisions to the Undergraduate Minor in Spanish, College of LAS,
04/28/08-08 EP.08.61*, Rename the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering to the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, College of ENGR.
Proposals for Action
04/28/08-09 The Chancellor requested approval by unanimous consent for SS.08.02*, Recognition of 2008 Graduating Class, which recognizes student senators who will be participating in May 2008 commencement exercises for undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
04/28/08-10 By unanimous voice vote, SS.08.02 was approved.
04/28/08-11 Chancellor Herman presented for action SC.08.06*, Senate and Senate Executive Committee Calendar for 2008-2009. Senator Burbules moved its approval on behalf of the Senate Executive Committee.
04/28/08-12 By voice vote, SC.08.06 was approved.
04/28/08-13 The Presiding Officer presented for action GP.07.04A*, Multi-Year Contract Option for Eligible Academic Staff: Dismissal Appeals Process. Senator John Prussing (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on General University Policy, summarized the background of this proposal and moved its approval.
04/28/08-14 By voice vote, GP.07.04A was approved.
04/28/08-15 Chancellor Herman presented for action EQ.08.03*, Resolution Concerning Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes. Senator Belden Fields (LAS) described the reaffirmation nature of this resolution and moved its approval on behalf of the Committee on Equal Opportunity and Inclusion.
04/28/08-16 By voice vote, EQ.08.03 was approved.
Reports for Information of the Senate
04/28/08-17 EQ.08.04*, Position Paper,
04/28/08-18 SS.08.01*, Report of the Director of Undergraduate Admissions on the Admission of Student-Athletes,
04/28/08-19 AB.08.01*, Update on the Academics of Student Athletes at the University of Illinois,
04/28/08-20 SC.08.07, March 26 BOT,
04/28/08-21 HE.08.12*, April 1 FAC/IBHE,
04/28/08-22 HE.08.11*, April 1 IBHE,
04/28/08-23 SUR.08.02*, April 8 SURSMAC,
04/28/08-24 UC.08.06*, February 19 USC,
04/28/08-25 UC.08.07*, March 28 USC.
Committee of the Whole
At 3:45 p.m., the Senate approved a motion to convene as a Committee of the Whole House to observe a presentation from Paula T. Kaufman, University Librarian and Dean of Campus Libraries, on a Library Planning Update (subsequently called New Service Model).
The New Service Model (NSM) process began in Fall 2007, when a group was convened to advise the University Librarian on priorities and directions for "new service models" that would build on the Library's traditional strengths (including the depth of collections and the quality of services) to ensure that Illinois remain as much a leader in the provision of library services in the twenty-first century as it was throughout the twentieth.
Based on a synthesis of ideas from the Library faculty and staff, strategic priorities and input from the campus community, the New Service Model Program involves nearly two dozen projects to be pursued over the next few years. Professor Kaufman indicated that there will be further opportunities for questions and comments as this process moves into the 2008-09 academic year. (A host of relevant documents is available at the Library’s website.)
The Senate approved a motion to rise and report for purposes of exiting the Committee of the Whole at 4:15 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.