April 27, 1998
The organizational meeting of the 1998-99 Senate was called to order at 3:00 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium, with Chancellor Michael Aiken presiding.
Senator Richard Schacht (LAS), Senate Council Chair, reported the students elected to the 1998-99 Senate Council: David Piell (LAS), Lawrence Tabone (LAS), and Fayez Abu Awad (GRAD).
The 1998-99 faculty committee chairs will caucus immediately after today's meeting to elect from among themselves seven senators to serve on Senate Council. Ballots have been prepared based on each eligible chair's willingness to serve if elected.
He then announced that the following senators had agreed to serve as tellers: James L. Robinson (ACES), J. Fred Giertz (CBA), Wright Neely (LAS), and Nancy O'Brien (LIBR).
The Chancellor deferred his remarks.
Chancellor Aiken presented the following reports for information; there was no discussion. He congratulated the Senate Council officers and the members of the Committee on Committees on their election.
04/27/98-01 SC.99.01* Report of the Senate Clerk for the Election of Senate Council Chair and Vice-Chair and for Members of the Committee on Committees
04/27/98-02 SP.99.01* Faculty and Student Electorate and Senator Distribution
04/27/98-03 The Chancellor presented for action SP.99.02*, 1998-99 Urbana-Champaign Senate Membership. Senator H. George Friedman (ENGR), Statutes Committee Chair, moved its approval.
04/27/98-04 Upon voice vote, it was approved.
04/27/98-05 Chancellor Aiken presented for action CC.99.01*, Nominations for Membership on the University Senates Conference. There were no floor nominations; nominations were declared closed. The following were elected for three-year terms expiring in 2001:
Richard Schacht (LAS)
Donald Uchtmann (ACES)
Heidi Von Gunden (FAA)
04/27/98-06 The Chancellor presented for action CC.99.02*, Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate and the Military Education Council. Senator Nancy O'Brien (LIBR), Committee on Committees Chair, noted that the Budget Committee has no chair listed; she anticipated a nomination for this position soon. Self-nominations from the floor came from student Senators Thomas Abraham (GRAD) for Educational Policy, Fayez Abu Awad (GRAD) for AFT, and Joseph Bolz (FAA) for Academic Calendar. There were no additional nominations from the floor and nominations were declared closed. Tellers distributed ballots and reported the following vote totals for student members of Educational Policy, Academic Freedom and Tenure, and the Academic Calendar Committees, respectively:
Thomas Abraham (GRAD) 67
Karyn Anton (LAS) 90
Chele McGinnis (CBA) 92
Ann Niemczyk (LAS) 81
Aseet Patel (ENGR) 82
Lawrence Tabone (LAS) 85
Fayez Abu Awad (GRAD) 46
Sean Brennan (LAS) 89
Elisha Goldman (CBA) 84
Michael Richards (LAS) 72
Joseph Bolz (FAA) 48
Patrick Boyssmith (ENGR) 66
Tom Fox (LAS) 88
04/27/98-07 By voice vote, the list of committee nominees (CC.99.02), as distributed, was approved.
04/27/98-08 Chancellor Aiken presented for action SC.99.02*, Election of One Member of the Urbana Delegation to the University Senates Conference to Serve on the Senate Council. Ballots were distributed, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Geneva Belford (ENGR) 29
Thomas Conry (ENGR) 17
Joan L. Klein (LAS) 26
Donald Uchtmann (ACES) 41
A runoff election between the top two vote-getters was declared as no nominee received a majority of the 113 votes cast. Ballots were distributed, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Geneva Belford (ENGR) 41
Donald Uchtmann (ACES) 41
Both nominees agreed to a coin flip as a tie-breaker; the result of the coin flip was:
04/27/98-09 Senator Belford was declared elected.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Robert C. Damrau, Clerk of the Senate
* Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.