University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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*** For recording purposes, you must speak directly into the microphone and identify yourself by name and college/department when you address the Senate.

Senate of the Urbana-Champaign Campus
November 16, 2015
3:10 pm

Senate Packet


I.   Call to Order—Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson
II.   Approval of MinutesOctober 19, 2015
III.   Senate Executive Committee Report—SEC Chair Gay Miller
IV.   Chancellor’s Remarks—Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson
V.   Questions/Discussion
VI.   Consent Agenda
  If a senator wishes to move an item from the Consent Agenda to Proposals and have copies at the meeting, they must notify the Senate Office at least two business days before the meeting. Any senator can ask to have any item moved from the Consent Agenda to Proposals.
  EP.16.26 Proposal to Revise the 2015-2016 Academic Calendar Educational Policy
(B. Francis, Chair)
  EP.16.27 Proposal to Establish an Undergraduate Major in Asian American Studies in the Department of Asian American Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Educational Policy
(B. Francis, Chair)
  EP.16.29 Proposal to Revise the Major in Agricultural Leadership and Sciences Education in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Educational Policy
(B. Francis, Chair)
  EP.16.30 Proposal to Rename the Graduate School of Library and Information Science to the School of Information Sciences Educational Policy
(B. Francis, Chair)
VII.   Proposed Revisions to the University Statutes
  SP.15.21 Revisions to the Statutes to Implement the Recommendation of the Hiring Polices and Procedures Review Committee (First Reading) University Statutes & Senate Procedures
(W. Maher, Chair)
VIII.   Center for Advanced Study Update
Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research
IX.   Proposal
  RS.16.05 Resolution on the Process to Change the Status of the Center for Advanced Study H. Murav, et. al.
X.   Academic Input on Background Checks
Matt Finkin, Director, Program in Comparative Labor and Employment Law and Policy
XI.   Illinois Climate Action Plan
Ben McCall, Associate Director for Campus Sustainability
XII.   Reports
  EP.16.31 EPC Administrative Approvals through November 2, 2015 Educational Policy
XIII.   New Business
    Matters not included in the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without concurrence of a majority of the members present and voting.
XIV.   Adjournment