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February 15, 1999

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m., in Foellinger Auditorium, with Chancellor Michael Aiken presiding.


02/15/99-01 Minutes of the November 30, 1998, meeting were approved as written.


Senator Richard Schacht (LAS), Chair of Senate Council, indicated that floor privileges were requested for the following individual, and he moved that such privileges be granted, to speak to: RS.99.05: Reaffirmation of the Senate vote on the procedures to be followed in transfers of departments, Professor Walter Klemperer, Dept. of Chemistry. There was no objection. Schacht also alerted the Senate to a revised RS.99.05 available at the door.

Schacht moved, on behalf of the Educational Policy Committee (EP) and sponsor Jesse Delia, Dean of LAS, that EP.99.15: Proposal to Transfer the Department of Biochemistry from the School of Chemical Sciences to the School of Life Sciences, be removed from today's agenda. This request is made so that Educational Policy and LAS can conduct a public hearing as dictated by Senate Standing Rule 13 (Hearings on the Termination, Separation, Transfer or Merger of Units). There was no objection.

Schacht reported that Senate Council recently discussed the following:

Senate Office Move. The Offices of the Senate and the Faculty Advisory Committee have moved into new quarters which will include a conference room for use by Committees supported by office staff.

Support Services Strategy Report (S3). The recommendations of the Senate Committee on General University Policy (GUP), in conjunction with Senate Council and the Senate Committees on Budget and Campus Operations, are enclosed regarding this University-level report ( In addition, the campus administration response, in the form of letters from Chancellor Aiken, Provost Herman, the Research Policy Committee, and the executive summary from the Campus Advisory Team (CAT), is also enclosed. Schacht deferred further remarks on S3 until we address this item later on today's agenda.

Sexual Harassment Policy. Schacht reported that, following significant review by a number of constituencies, the Chancellor has released to the campus community a new Policy on Sexual Harassment, as put forward by the Sexual Harassment Task Force.

Conflicts of Commitment and Interest in Outside Teaching. The University Senates Conference (USC) has referred to the campus senates the suggestion that originated at UIUC to 1) incorporate the proposed policy involving summer teaching for faculty on nine-month appointments in a revision of the existing policy and 2) to propose language to address outside teaching for full-time faculty. GUP is expected to report to the senate before the end of this semester.

Senate Council Vice-Chair. Schacht noted that the nomination from the Committee on Committees of Professor Don Uchtmann for Senate Council Vice-Chair is on today's agenda for Senate action (CC.99.07).

Tenure Code Rollbacks. The University Senates Conference has referred this matter back to the UIUC campus for Senate action on the proposed statutory amendments that were considered by the Committees on Academic Freedom and Tenure, General University Policy, and University Statutes and Senate Procedures. This item is on today's agenda for First Reading (SP.99.04).

Association of Governing Boards (AGB) Statement on Institutional Governance. Schacht reported that the University of Minnesota Consultative Committee drafted a response to the AGB Statement and the UM response has been unanimously endorsed by Senate Council. The crux of UM's response prefaced by Senate Council's endorsement may be found in the Senate packet immediately after the minutes. He encouraged all to read both the AGB Statement ( and the Minnesota rebuttal.

Schacht announced that the following senators agreed to serve as tellers: Terry Weech (LISC), Jason Luther (ENGR), James L. Robinson (ACES), and Herman Krier (ENGR).


The Chancellor stated he would like to address a number of issues pertaining to the FY00 Operating Budget Request for the University and for the Urbana-Champaign Campus.

He explained that from FY1988 to FY1998, the Urbana-Champaign campus received only a net increase of $4M in its state funding for programmatic purposes.

As a backdrop to the discussion of the FY00 Budget Request, Chancellor Aiken praised the efforts of Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) Executive Director Keith Sanders for pursuing the most aggressive budget for Illinois higher education in years.

The FY00 Operating Budget Request for the University submitted to the IBHE from the University Board of Trustees (BOT) called for a 7.82% increase over FY99 (including an 8.15% increase for Urbana); the IBHE subsequently recommended a 6.62% increase (Urbana-6.94%) to Governor George Ryan, who will announce his intentions during a February 17 state address.

The Chancellor highlighted key components of the Urbana-Champaign budget, such as the faculty excellence fund, technology development and enhancement, and 3% general price increases, which would not have been possible without the guiding hand of IBHE Executive Director Keith Sanders and his staff.


There were none.


Hearing no objection, Chancellor Aiken declared the following proposals approved by unanimous consent:

02/15/99-02 EP.99.06*, Revision of the Undergraduate Curriculum in Materials Science and Engineering,

02/15/99-03 EP.99.09*, Elimination of the M. S. in the Teaching of Computer Science,

02/15/99-04 EP.99.14*, Proposal to Change the Name of the Department of Nuclear Engineering to the Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering


02/15/99-05 The Chancellor presented for action CC.99.06*, Senate Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed. Senator Al Kagan (LIBR) asked if nominees were asked about their views on Chief Illiniwek. Senator Nancy O'Brien (LIBR), Chair of the Committee on Committees, explained that only student nominees are asked specific questions, and that the questions, agreed upon years ago, do not include any about the Chief.

02/15/99-06 By voice vote, the nominations were approved.

02/15/99-07 Chancellor Aiken presented for action CC.99.07*, Nomination for Senate Council Vice-Chair. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

02/15/99-08 The nomination was approved by acclamation.

02/15/99-09 The Chancellor presented for action CC.99.08*, Nomination to the State Universities Retirement System Members Advisory Committee (SURSMAC). There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

02/15/99-10 By voice vote, the nomination was approved.

02/15/99-11 Chancellor Aiken presented for action LB.99.02*, Report to the Senate and Request for Endorsement of Resolution in Support of the FY2000 Library Budget. Senator Alex Scheeline (LAS), Library Committee Chair, explained that the University Library has long been considered a treasure by the campus. We have traditionally considered our collection to be the third largest in the United States, after Harvard and Yale.

While the size of our collection maintains its #3 ranking, our acquisitions budget now places us 19th (15th in overall budget) according to the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). It is only a matter of time before our lofty standing begins to erode.

The Senate Committee on the Library (SCL) surveyed campus librarians to get an accurate sense of what resources are needed to satisfy the needs of their constituencies. In the opinion of our Librarians, to remain competitive with our peers, our acquisition budget should be increased approximately 44%. The overall budget should be increased 37%. This would give us a total budget of $33.7M, compared to the actual FY99 budget of $24.5M.

Scheeline directed the senate's attention to the resolution, and urged senators to endorse the recommendation from the Library Committee that the Library's budget, to be funded at an adequate level, should be approximately $45M per year by FY2004.

Senator Emanuel Donchin (LAS) cited the Library's failure to provide a rationale for its internal allocation despite Wedgeworth's commitment to provide one. In his opinion, the Library has no way at all to justify its expenditures because it has no criteria for its allocation other than past history, that there are important policy issues that have never been formulated, reviewed and decided, like the choice between maintaining collections and supporting faculty and students in emerging and growing disciplines. Donchin did not accept the assertion by the SLC, or the Library, that reallocation is not the answer. Such an assertion presumes that the allocation is rational and without a rationale you can not have a rational allocation.

Scheeline responded that the Library Strategic Planning Committee has been working tirelessly on strategic planning activities, but he acknowledged the difficulty of developing a "big picture" when there are the needs of 45 departmental libraries to consider.

02/15/99-12 By voice vote, LB.99.02 was approved.

02/15/99-13 The Chancellor presented for action GP.99.04*, Senate Resolution on the "Support Services Strategy" (S3) Report. Senator Richard Schacht (LAS), Chair of Senate Council, briefly described the background to this resolution from the General University Policy Committee (GUP): reports from the Senate Committees on Budget and Campus Operations, letters from Chancellor Aiken, Provost Herman, the Research Policy Committee, and the executive summary from the Campus Advisory Team (CAT).

Senator Michael Grossman (ACES), Chair of GUP, reported that while other bodies focused on details of the S3 report, GUP gave serious attention to the implementation of the overall plan, and objected to the lack of faculty and student participation in the process.

Senator Haydn Chen (ENGR), Chair of Campus Operations, cited the lack of cost estimates for the implementation of strategies recommended in S3 as the most significant shortcoming identified by his committee.

Senator Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans (CBA) asked why the mention of students was not included with faculty under #5 (i.e., composition of support services evaluation teams). Schacht replied that students were included under #2 (campus-level S3 review), which implies student involvement throughout the review process.

Senator David Piell (LAS) moved to replace the word "no" with "minimal" under the final Whereas (i.e., …there is at present no minimal support in the academic community…). The motion was approved by voice vote. Piell moved to add the phrase "and students" after "faculty" in the aforementioned #5. The motion was approved by voice vote.

02/15/99-14 By voice vote, GP.99.04 was approved, as amended.


02/15/99-15 Chancellor Aiken presented for information/first reading SP.99.04*, Proposed Revisions to the University Statutes-Article IX Section 6.g. and Article X Section 1.b.(1). Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Statutes Committee Chair, explained that a University Senates Conference (USC) ad hoc committee proposed a uniform tenure code rollback policy at the request of Vice President Manning. The Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures (USSP) has considered the proposal from the ad hoc committee as well as suggestions from the Committees on Academic Freedom and Tenure, General University Policy, and Senate Council. USSP is now proposing language that conforms to that suggested by the ad hoc committee. Fossum reminded the senate that since revisions to the Statutes require two readings, this item will appear on the next senate agenda for approval.


02/15/99-16 The Chancellor presented for action RS.99.05*, Reaffirmation of the Senate vote on the procedures to be followed in transfers of departments. Senator Gregory Girolami (LAS), co-sponsor of the resolution, described this document as stemming from an apparent misunderstanding about the need for a public hearing prior to a transfer of an academic unit, as provided for under Senate Standing Rule 13 (Hearings on the Termination, Separation, Transfer or Merger of Units).

Schacht indicated that procedures for setting up a public hearing on this matter were already underway between LAS and the Senate Committee on Educational Policy. He added that the Statutes Committee (USSP) is also reviewing the apparent discrepancy between Articles III and VIII of the Statutes regarding the degree of authority colleges have with respect to changes in academic organization.

Girolami believed that if this resolution passed, it would provide USSP with more information on which to hang its subsequent recommendations.

Senator Peter Orlean (LAS) offered a "friendly" amendment to strike the specific reference to the "Department of Biochemistry" and replace it simply with the word "departments" (i.e.,…the Senate…directs our administrative officers to effect the transfer of the Department of Biochemistry departments,…". Girolami did not object.

Senator Stephen Kaufman (MED) thought the comparison of this Biochemistry Department matter to the termination of the Department of Genetics and Development in 1990 was disingenuous. He recommended voting against the passage of this resolution.

Senator Gary Olsen (LAS) believed the senate floor was not the forum for the discussion of the merits of Articles III and VIII of the Statutes; he suggested leaving that review to the Statutes Committee.

Senator Tom Conry (ENGR) characterized the administrative handling of this matter as one conducted in good faith, and he urged senators to defeat this resolution.

Senator Piell moved to add the following: "Be it further resolved, that the administration is asked by the Senate for a written plan on how to prevent a repeat of this problem in the future. Furthermore, it is requested that University counsel in cooperation with University Statutes and Senate Procedures review University Statutes for alleged internal inconsistencies." The motion to amend was lost by a show of hands (29-48).

Senator Allan Levy (MED) asked what the status of the transfer in question would be if the resolution fails. Schacht replied that procedures for a public hearing on this proposed transfer are moving forward regardless of the outcome of this vote.

02/15/99-17 By show of hands (48-37), RS.99.05 was approved, as amended.

02/15/99-18 Chancellor Aiken presented for action RS.99.06*, Resolution on the Distribution of Course Syllabi. Senator Joseph Oberweis (CBA), sponsor of the resolution, briefly described the rationale for this resolution. Students would like to be assured that they will have a sense of what is expected of them at the top of each class, and what type of evaluation procedures their instructors will use.

Senator Grossman moved to strike the text within parentheses in line 4 of the resolution (to wit: including whether the course instructor has elected to employ the +/- grading system); Grossman argued that all course instructors have the +/- at their disposal-whether they choose to use it or not is another matter. The motion was approved by a show of hands.

Schacht moved to refer the resolution to the Educational Policy Committee (EP). Senator Lawrence Tabone (LAS) believed it would provide more direction to EP to refer an approved document to them; he recommended voting against the motion. Oberweis expressed his willingness to consider amendments to the resolution to make it more palatable. Donchin suggested adding a deadline of the end of the spring semester for EP to report back to Senate on this matter; Schacht concurred.

02/15/99-19 By show of hands, the motion to refer RS.99.06, as amended, to Educational Policy was approved.

02/15/99-20 The Chancellor presented for action RS.99.07*, Resolution on the Student Senate Caucus. Senator Oberweis, sponsor of the resolution, expressed his view that student senators would like to increase their participation in the work of the senate and its committees. It is their hope that passage of this resolution, which would recognize the Student Senate Caucus as the "official" voice of student senators, would make students more a part of the campus legislative process.

Senator David Berg (LAS) was uncomfortable with the notion of students voting as a block, as it were, and recommended voting down this proposal.

02/15/99-21 By show of hands, RS.99.07 was defeated.


02/15/99-22 Chancellor Aiken presented for information XTI.99.02*, Tenure Issues (TI) Committee Update and Draft Recommendations.

Senator Don Uchtmann (ACES), TI Committee Chair, summarized the draft recommendations of the Committee, saying that there are two components of the review process: 1) mandated annual faculty reviews and 2) periodic evaluations of the academic unit's review system for faculty. Under the tenure review policy, each unit must document its mission and its expectations for faculty contributions to the mission of the unit and of the campus. Annual faculty reviews will include a written statement of the faculty member's accomplishments, future plans, and self-assessment; feedback from the unit executive officer; and a permanent file of annual statements and related documents. The procedures for such reviews should also provide for a more comprehensive review by a specially constituted committee if requested by the faculty member or recommended by the unit executive officer.

Senator Kaufman asked about the cost (in person/hours) of the implementation of these proposed faculty/departmental reviews; he felt the reviews would take faculty away from their primary functions of teaching, research, and public service. Uchtmann replied that the reviews should not be unnecessarily onerous; he conceded, however, that cost recovery measurements may need to be made.


Chancellor Aiken presented the following meeting reports:

02/15/99-23 SC.99.06*, BOT, November 18-19, 1998, N.O'Brien

02/15/99-24 HE.99.03*, FAC/IBHE, November 6, 1998, T. Weech

02/15/99-25 HE.99.04*, FAC/IBHE, December 11, 1998, T. Weech

02/15/99-26 UC.99.03*, USC, November 24, 1998, G. Belford

02/15/99-27 UP.99.01*, UPC, October 14 and December 3, 1998, R. L. Belford

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.