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March 9, 1998



Committee on Committees

(Final -Action)

CC.98.11 Senate Approval of Additional Nominations for the Athletic Board

According to provisions approved by the Senate on February 9, 1998, the Athletic Board includes seven faculty members and one student member who are appointed by the Chancellor from nominations submitted by the Urbana-Champaign Senate. (The Illinois Student Government and the Student Athlete Advisory Board also submit nominations to the Chancellor to fill one student position each.)

Terms of faculty ordinarily shall be four years and of students one year. The terms of two faculty members, Georgia M. Green and Tony G. Waldrop, and one student member, Susan A. Simon, expire at the end of the annual meeting of the Athletic Board in the summer of 1998. Continuing members of the Athletic Board and the expiration of their terms are as follows:

Faculty: John B. Braden Aces 2000

Barrington Coleman Faa 2000
Thomas L. McGreal Educ 1999
Mary H. Slaughter Als 1999

Student: Bryan Lutes Als 1999
The Senate approved the following slate of nominees at its February 9, 1998, meeting:

To fill two faculty positions for terms expiring in 2002:
J. Fred Giertz Cba
David R. Gross Vmed
H. T. Wilkinson Aces
Joyce Wright Libr
To fill one student position for a term expiring in 1999:
Peter M. Amberg Faa
Adam Collopy Las

The Committee on Committees recommends approval of the following slate of nominees. (Biographical information pertaining to each nominee is attached.)

To fill one faculty position for a term expiring in 2000:
Michael Glaser Las
Robert I. Selby Faa

Committee on Committees

Nancy O’Brien, Chair

Kim Aichele

Carl Altstetter

May R. Berenbaum

Timothy Butler

Tom R. Ward

Cynthia Wilson

Richard E. Ziegler

Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected. The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled. If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.

Biographical Sketches of Faculty Nominees to the Athletic Board

Michael Glaser (Las), Professor, Department of Biochemistry
We are pleased to nominate Professor Michael Glaser for membership on the University Athletic Board. Professor Glaser is a longtime faculty member of the biochemistry Department, having been appointed as an Assistant Professor in 1974. Professor Glaser has served 3 two-year terms as the Biochemistry representative to the University Senate.
Professor Glaser has had a long term interest in and is a strong supporter of Illinois Athletics. He and his wife Janet have had season tickets to Illinois Basketball games, probably ever since 1974. They are members of the Rebounders Club. Michael himself is a very competitive golfer and athlete; his golf handicap is in the low teens.
One of us (L.P.H.) served two terms on the Athletic Board in the not too distant past and I feel Professor Glaser would prove to be a highly effective member of the Board. He is especially interested in athletics and academics, hence would be a strong candidate for the Academic Progress Subcommittee.
Submitted by: Lowell P. Hager, William J. Rutter Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry Department; and John A. Gerlt, Professor and Head, Biochemistry Department

Robert I. Selby (Faa), Professor, School of Architecture
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to recommend Professor Selby for a position on the Athletic Board. I have always been aware of his keen interest, sensitivity to issues, and unwavering loyalty to the athletic program of the University of Illinois.
Professor Selby has been a season ticket holder for a number of years; football and men’s basketball, and attends women’s volleyball. One only has to see his "colors" on game day to register the enthusiasm he generates. He has a special interest in the concept of student-athlete (emphasis on student) and how greater success in academics and later life in combination with dedicated participation in Big Ten athletics can be assured. He is also interested in the development of women’s intercollegiate athletic programs. Having two degrees from Illinois, I know Professor Selby would be enthused and honored to have this opportunity to serve his alma mater in endeavoring to continue and enhance the long and distinguished tradition of athletics and scholarship at the University of Illinois.
Professor Selby continues to be very active in both the professional and academic realms with past presidency of the regional chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), currently serves as Director of the AIA/central Illinois and Alternate Delegate to AIA/Illinois, and has been elected to several terms on the School Executive Committee, the senior committee in the School of Architecture. He has also served two terms as Faculty Senator.
Understandably, Professor Selby’s biography appears in Who’s Who in the Midwest and Who’s Who in Emerging Leaders, recognizing the qualities he possesses in representing the University of Illinois. As an integral part of the School, University, and professional community and serving in high level roles, Professor Selby has been very involved in budgetary matters. He recently served as Chair for the East St. Louis Action Research Program’s Executive Committee, where he monitored a $750,000 budget.
Professor Selby is a dedicated teacher, and maintains the highest standards in all aspects of his achievements. The outstanding quality of his work in teaching, research and professional accomplishment is matched by an attractive and extremely pleasant personality. He is witty, articulate, fair-minded, and as serious as the situation requires. Above all he is held with respect and high regard by colleague and students. In my opinion, Professor Selby’s unique blend of knowledge, experience, dedication, and commitment would make his a most effective member of the Board and this nomination has my full and enthusiastic support.
Submitted by Hub White, Associate Director, School of Architecture