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25 February 2008

University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign Senate
Final; Information

HE.08.04 Report on the IBHE Faculty Advisory Council Meeting, 16 November 2007

The FAC met in Webb Hall on the campus of Lake Land College (LLC). Chair Curtis White (ISU) called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. John Bennett (LLC representative) introduced Scott Lensink, Interim President, and Joe Hanley, Interim Vice President of Academic Services, who welcomed the FAC to the campus. He described LLC as a public community college, with an enrollment of about 11,160 students from east central Illinois. LLC offers classes in Effingham, in Pana, and in Marshall, Illinois.

Following the welcome, UIUC Emeritus Professor of Economics Walter McMahon presented his research on external and social benefits of higher education and led a discussion on “Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits, Costs, and Policy.” Private benefits included improved health, increased longevity, improved child’s health, increased child’s education, improved spouse’s health, reduced family size, greater well-being (e.g., lower divorce rates, lower unemployment), higher savings, and better job amenities. Social benefits included increased democratization (e.g., volunteerism, voter participation), improved human rights, greater political stability, higher life expectancy, reduced inequality, lower crime rates, lower public costs (health and prisons), higher tax receipts, improved environment, and lifelong learning. The direct economic value of social benefits was estimated to be $24,900 for a 2007 graduate with a bachelor’s degree. This information was based on Prof. McMahon’s forthcoming book, The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education: A Human Capital Approach to Higher Education Policy (Johns Hopkins University Press, August 2008). After the presentation, Prof. McMahon led a discussion on how best to frame an April 2008 FAC presentation to the IBHE on benefits of investment in higher education.

Following lunch, Chair White called the Business Meeting to order at 12:45. Gary Alexander (IBHE) discussed the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) and the role that FAC might play. Resolutions of appreciation to John Bennett, Scott Lensink, and Joe Hanley were approved unanimously.

Following the Business Meeting, FAC continued to discuss its April presentation to the IBHE. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m. The next meeting of the FAC will be 7 December 2007 in Springfield.

Michael Grossman
UIUC Senate FAC Alternative Representative