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University of Illinois
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 7-8, 2001

March 7, 2001

The meeting convened at 10:35 am with the introduction of the newest member, Lawrence Eppley. After roll call, the new chancellor at UIS, Richard Ringeisen, was introduced. He will begin on April 1, 2001. Thomas Ulen then reported on the search for a new UIUC chancellor.

During the segment on questions, Trustee Vickrey presented a question about selected revenue bonds, and received a thorough explanation from Craig Bazzani and staff. Trustee Schmidt reported that conversations with students at UIUC regarding tuition were both amicable and productive.

During the public comment session, five articulate and impassioned statements were made regarding retiring Chief Illiniwek, while one equally passionate statement was presented regarding retaining the Chief. The Board followed the public comment session with a brief recess.

Committee on Buildings and Grounds

Trustee Lamont presented the report for this committee with the assistance of University staff. A design for the UIUC incubator facility was presented by the architects. The Board approved proceeding with this design. The Board also approved a proposed site for the UIC Structural Biology Building. This approval was needed so that the building could be included in a grant proposal. A more general report was given on thirty-seven capital projects. Trustee Gravenhorst expressed some concern that the UIS building project might not be completed by September, causing difficulty for the fall semester. She was assured that this project was being done in phases, and that the needed areas would be completed on time. Student Trustee Reddy was concerned that adequate office space for student organizations was not included in the plans for the renovation of the UIC student union. He also expressed concern about the quality of current recreational facilities at UIC. C. Bazzani indicated that the master plan for the UIUC south campus is being refined and a report will be forthcoming at a future Board meeting.

Board as a Committee of the Whole

The Board reconvened as a committee of the whole to hear the report on the status of women. Trustee Plummer presented this report. He first reviewed the process of collecting data. Some of the concerns on the campuses relate to the tone of comments directed to women faculty, and the fact that these are often personal remarks rather than factual statements. In summarizing the situation at UIUC, Trustee Plummer indicated that the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women and the Board used different data sets, but that both indicate salary differences by gender. At UIC, the climate is generally satisfactory, with some salary equity issues. Student Trustee Gleezen reported on issues at UIS which include a lack of mentoring, rampant salary inequities, far fewer female than male faculty, inability of women to obtain release time, and that women are appointed to less important committees.

The UIS administration is aware of the difficulties. At hearings on the three campuses the following themes emerged: salary inequity; lack of mentoring, isolation in department; need for more professional development opportunities; need for child care; and, campus safety concerns. Individual themes at UIC were that the climate was positive, that 50% of the Deans are female, but that business has a much higher tenure rate for men. Positive factors at UIC are child care, mentoring programs, and the women's research center. Themes at UIS were that women were more isolated in their departments but that the positive factors were campus security and the women's center. At UIUC, the main theme was that the climate was of great concern. Positive factors at UIUC were the women in math, science and engineering program, the campus conduct program, an increase in women administrators, and an acceptable tenure rate. The recommendations to address these issues are:

- Continue systematic, annual salary equity studies for faculty and staff
- Establish an exit interview program for all departing faculty and staff
- Encourage mentoring programs, particularly in areas where women are underrepresented
- Continue or initiate as part of the annual performance assessment process for deans and department heads a review of their success in recruiting and retaining women faculty and staff

Trustee Plummer emphasized that a single source of salary studies is needed to mitigate conflicting reports and interpretation. He and Student Trustee Gleezen both emphasized the importance of exit interviews. The following outcomes were recommended:

- Increase representation of women in several disciplines and colleges, e.g. Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, and Business Administration
- Involve more faculty and staff, including women, in design of salary reviews, and disseminate more widely the methods employed in these reviews
- Give more attention to prevention of sexual harassment through information and training programs for supervisory and administrative staff members
- Make exit interviews of faculty and staff a standard procedure within the University in order to provide vital data on the issues which impact the retention of women

Trustee Lamont questioned whether the Board should be conducting this research, or if it should have been handled differently. Trustee Plummer responded that in obtaining this kind of information, the Board can charge a committee to undertake a study, or can have a trustee work with people from the academy itself. He indicated that the report would be officially issued in a week or so.

The Board recessed at 2:30 in order to reconvene in Foellinger Auditorium.

Response to "Dialogue on Chief Illiniwek"

At 3 p.m. the Board reconvened with a roll call, followed by comments from each of the Trustees. Trustee Gravenhorst indicated that she is supportive of the Chief and finds it a dignified symbol and that "tradition outweighs any objections." Trustee Lamont favors current policy based on historical tradition, but he also supports compromise and recommended the creation of a study committee. Student Trustee Reddy expressed respect for the past, but feels a change is needed to retire the Chief. Trustee Engelbrecht is supportive of the Chief, but feels that work is needed toward a further resolution. Trustee Plummer is supportive of the Chief, but feels that it needs further study.

Trustee Schmidt is supportive of the Chief, but recommended compromise and further study. Student Trustee Gleezen expressed concern that too many resources are being directed to this debate, and recommended compromise with a move toward retiring the Chief. Trustee Vickrey abstained from comment due to his recent appointment. Student Trustee Calderon recommended a compromise upholding the tradition of the Chief, and partnering with the Peoria tribe to further understanding of Native American issues. Trustee Eppley indicated that he is a fan of the Chief, but that resolution to this issue is needed and that a committee should be formed to study the issue. Trustee Shea proposed the formation of a committee to study the issues, and the Board approved. The meeting then adjourned.

March 8, 2001

At 8:30 the Board reconvened and then went immediately into Executive Session. At 9:30 the Board returned from Executive Session.

Committee on the University Hospital and Clinics

Trustee Plummer presided over the report on the hospital, which focused mainly on ways in which to address problem areas in hospital procedures.

Committee on Finance and Audit

Trustee Gindorf chaired the report on finances that covered assets, investments and the annual inventory.

Meeting of the Board

At 10:20 the Board reconvened with a roll call. President Stukel then introduced the Senate observers. C. Bazzani reported on a shortfall for utility expenses, with no relief available from the state. He also indicated that occasionally when the state has cash flow problems the University will transfer funds from its accounts to the state with little impact and prompt transfer back to the University. S. Manning reported that the search for a UIC Provost is at the interview stage, and that the search for the Vice Chancellor for Research is nearing the interview stage. President Stukel then announced significant accomplishments of faculty at the three campuses.

Trustee Shea announced that Trustee Schmidt had received a public service award. Trustee Gravenhorst expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board in a farewell to UIS Chancellor Lynn. Trustee Schmidt gave a positive report on the development of the UIUC research park. Trustee Gindorf briefly reported on the I-Ventures project. Trustee Lamont reported that the University Foundation had well over $1 billion at the close of its campaign. Trustee Gravenhorst reported that new officers had been announced for the Merit Board. Student Trustee Reddy reported on the UIC Homecoming. Trustee Shea mentioned that a meeting of the Boards of the Big Ten universities would be held on March 10. Trustee Engelbrecht encouraged the Board to have R. Guenther attend the next Board meeting and report on athletics.

Regular agenda items including appointments and sabbaticals were then approved. Roll call items were also approved. The April meeting was cancelled so the next meeting will be in Springfield on May 23 and 24. The meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m.

Materials distributed at this meeting have been placed in the Senate Office.

Submitted by
Nancy P. O'Brien
UIUC Senate Observer