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Board Meeting

September 9, 2004


Action: Amend Article I, Section 2, Paragraph (d) and Article III, Section 7, Paragraph (j) of The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure

Funding: No Funding Required

Revisions are proposed to Articles I and III of The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure to clarify the administrative responsibilities of the VVice PPresident for TTechnology and EEconomic DDevelopmentt concerning intellectual property administration. The position of VVice PPresident for EEconomic DDevelopment and CCorporate RRelations was originally created as a University officer by the board at the July 20, 2000, board meeting, to serve as advisor to the pPresident and the board on intellectual and technology commercialization activities and economic development.

The board appointed David L. Chicoine to this position oin a July 12, 2001. The appointment , Board item adopted by the board which provided that the position have direct authority over the University's major offices and entities involved in technology commercialization. At tThe May 15, 2003, board meeting a change ind the title of the position to VVice PPresident for TTechnology and Economic DDevelopment was adoptedat its May 15, 2003, meeting.

The proposed revisions to Article I of the General Rules are reflective of changes to the position description for the Vice President for Technology and Economic Development. Other proposed revisions clarify the responsibility of the Vice President for Technology and Economic Development and the relationship between the responsibilities of the Vice President for Technology and Economic Development and of the respective campus vice chancellors for research regardingwith respect to technology management and commercialization. These revisions are amendments importantnecessary to continue to advance the fulfillment of the University’s role in and responsibilities for fostering growth in Illinois’ high-technology sector through innovation and technology commercialization and related economic development activities activities and to capture advantages of intercampus coordination, while recognizing and supporting campus individuality and strengths, the General Rules of the University are amended.

The proposed recommended revision amendments incorporated into Article I and Article III are attached to this item and incorporated herein.The University Senates Conference has been consulted on the proposed recommendrevisionamendments to Article III.

The Vice President for Technology and Economic Development concurs.

The President of the University recommends approval.

The board action recommended in this item complies in all material respects with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, TheGeneral Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of Trustees policies and directives.