University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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April 27, 1998


Senate Council

SC.98.14a Approval of Campus Budget Oversight Committee (CBOC) Nomination Slate

In accord with provisions approved by the Senate on March 30, 1998 concerning the selection of a CBOC, Senate Council recommends the following slate of nominations for Senate approval. Where provided, bio-sketches of nominees are enclosed; some vitae are available for review in the Senate Office. The source of each nomination is in parentheses (CC = Committee on Committees; VCR = Vice-Chancellor for Research). (Note: Some nominators did not avail themselves of their full number of nominations in each disciplinary area.)

Basic and Applied Life Sciences:
Professor Joseph Stucki (ACES)
Dept. of Natural Resources and Envir. Sciences
Professor Douglas Parrett(ACES)
Dept. of Animal Sciences
Professor Hans Blaschek (ACES)
Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Professor John Dudley (ACES)
Dept. of Crop Sciences
Professor Peter Alfonso (ALS)
Dept. of Speech and Hearing Science
Professor Richard Boileau (ALS)
Dept. of Kinesiology
Professor Donald R. Ort (LAS)
Dept. of Plant Biology; Dept. of Crop Sciences
Professor Gary L. Jackson (VMED)
Dept. of Veterinary Biosciences
Professor James L. Robinson (CC)
Dept. of Animal Sciences

Behavioral and Social Sciences:
Professor Peter J. Barry (ACES)
Dept. of Agricultural and Consumer Economics
Professor Laurian Unnevehr (ACES)
Dept. of Agricultural and Consumer Economics
Professor R. Warwick Armstrong (ALS)
Dept. of Community Health
Professor Andrew Bailey (CBA)
Dept. of Accountancy
Professor Steve Williams (CBA)
Dept. of Economics
Professor Timothy Wentling (EDUC)
Dept. of Human Resource Education
Professor Jane Loeb (EDUC)
Dept. of Educational Psychology
Professor Peter Nardulli (LAS)
Dept. of Political Science
Professor Lawrence Hubert (LAS)
Dept. of Psychology
Professor Stephen P. D'Arcy (CC)
Dept. of Finance

Professor Marvin Paulsen (ACES)
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering
Professor Carroll Goering (ACES)
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering
Professor Haydn Chen (ENGR)
Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
Professor Ed Reingold (ENGR)
Dept. of Computer Science
Professor W. Kenneth Jenkins (ENGR)
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor James E. Peters (ENGR)
Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Professor Mark J. Kushner (CC)
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Humanities and Creative Arts:
Professor Paula Treichler (COMM)
Institute of Communications Research
Professor Vincent Bellafiore (FAA)
Dept. of Landscape Architecture
Professor Lewis Hopkins (FAA)
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning
Professor Linda Robbennolt (FAA)
School of Art and Design
Professor Michael Andrejasich (FAA)
School of Architecture
Professor Peter A. Fritzsche (LAS)
Dept. of History
Professor Heidi Von Gunden (CC)
School of Music

Physical and Mathematical Sci.:
Professor C. Ward Henson (ENGR, CC)
Dept. of Mathematics
Professor Anthony McHugh (ENGR)
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Professor Stephanie Alexander(LAS)
Dept. of Mathematics

Professional Programs/Library:
Professor Clifton Brown (CBA)
Dept. of Accountancy
Professor Linda C. Smith (AVIA/EDUC/LIBR/LISC/SSW)
Professor Jane Loeb(LIBR)
Dept. of Educational Psychology
Professor Wallace Hendricks(AVIA/EDUC/ILIR/LISC/SSW)
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
Professor Karen Schmidt(CC)
Library Administration

VCR (1 nom. from 2 categories):
Professor Miles Klein
Dept. of Physics
Professor Edward Kolodziej
Dept. of Political Science

Each person named above is willing to serve. A selection committee (the Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate Council, and the Provost) will select the CBOC members and chair from among the above nominees. Professors Alexander, Barry, Fritzsche, Jackson, Jenkins, Klein, Ort, and Peters are members of the 1997-98 Campus Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC).

Senate Council, Richard Schacht, Chair

Joseph Stucki
Education: B.S., Chemistry, Brigham Young University, 1970
M.S., Soil Chemistry, Utah State University, 1972
Ph.D., Soil Physical Chemistry, Purdue University, 1975
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Soil Physical Chemistry
(in Agronomy Dept. 1976-1995; in NRES 1995-present)
Funding: Received research grants from DOD, EPA, NSF, NATO, C-FAR, Academy of Applied Sciences, UIUC Campus Research Board, and the George A. Miller Endowment.
Recent Honors: Elected President of the Clay Minerals Society
Marion L. and Chrystie M. Jackson Soil Science Award, Soil Science Society of America
Fellow, American Society of Agronomy

Douglas Parrett
Dr. Doug Parrett is a faculty member in the Dept. of Animal Sciences with research and teaching responsibilities in meat animal evaluation and beef cattle production. Dr. Parrett has an outstanding record in teaching, as evidenced by being selected for the Charles A. Luckman Undergraduate Teaching Award at the University of Illinois, and by receiving the Purina Outstanding Teaching Award presented by the American Society of Animal Sciences. He also received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching from the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, UIUC. Dr. Parrett is unique in that he has an active outreach program with the agricultural stakeholders in Illinois. He has received C-FAR funding to support an intensive beef leaders training program. He is involved in research on campus, at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, and at the Orr Research Center. His current research covers new production management strategies to produce higher quality and more consistent beef products.

Hans Blaschek
Prof. Hans Blaschek, Food Microbiology in the Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition; Blaschek is a nationally recognized research scientist in food microbiology; he works on fermentation processes and has support from several industry and federal granting agencies including NIH. He has, for example, been refining his discovery of a microb that significantly increases the production of butonal from such feed stocks as byproducts of the corn milling industry. He has received several awards, served on a number of review panels and is repeatedly elected to the ACES Executive Committee. He teaches both graduate and undergrad courses and is a highly respected faculty leader in FSHN and ACES.

John Dudley
Prof. John Dudley, Corn breeding and Genetics, Dept. of Crop Sciences. Dr. Dudley currently serves as the Director of Grad program in Crop Sciences and is an internationally recognized corn breeder and genetics. He is one of a team of 6 corn breeders and geneticists in Crop Scientists that have carried on corn breeding research that began over 100 years ago. His work has been the foundation for genetic technology that has propelled the US corn industry into an international position of prominence. For example, he recently completed the licensing agreement with Cargill for a genetics line with unique traits. Dr. Dudley's former grad students populate the corn breeding scientists in private companies around the world. He currently is a member of the ACES Executive Committee and teaches both grad and undergrad students.

Peter Alfonso
Peter Alfonso joined us professor and head of the Department of Speech and Hearing Science six years ago. He was selected because of his acknowledged status in his field of speech production (a field heavily involved in hard-line sciences) and his research career at Haskins Labs at UConn and the The Institute for Neurophysiology in Nijmegen, Holland. Peter had been selected for support as a Fulbright Scholar in Nijmegen. Despite his duties as unit head, he has continued to publish and play a major role in educational affairs of the 80,000 strong American Speech, Language and Hearing Association. He has completely reformed an ailing department and restored it to major status among peer institutions in the Big Ten, the traditional locus elite programs in his field. Alfonso is about to complete a year as an ACE Fellow working with President Myles Brand, and the Provost at Indiana University, Bloomington. His assignments involved detailed reviews of the impact of budget reform on unit success and a major comparative salary study of all IU branch campuses and colleges. He would be an excellent and strong CBOC member.

Richard Boileau
Education: B.S., Chemistry, Greenville College, 1960
M.A., Physical Education, University of Maryland, 1962
Ph.D., Physical Education, Pennsylvania State University, 1969
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Kinesiology
(Kinesiology Dept. 1984-present; Division of Nutritional Sci. 1980-present)
Funding: Received research grants from NIMH, NIH, NSF, Technology & Research Foundation of Paralyzed Veterans of America, and the University of Illinois Research Board.

Donald R. Ort
Dr. Donald Ort is a USDA/ARS Professor of Plant Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Michigan State University in 1974. His current research emphasis is on the molecular/biochemical basis for environmental limitations on photosynthesis and photosynthetic energy transduction.

Gary L. Jackson
Education: B.S., Agriculture, University of Missouri, 1960
M.A., Zoology, University of Missouri, 1963
Ph.D., Animal Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1967
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate (1968-1976), and Full Professor (1976- )
(A/A: Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology; Full: Vet. Biosciences and Research)
Funding: Received research grants from Beckman Research, Ford Foundation, NIH, and Hatch USDA.
Recent Honors: Fogarty Senior International Fellowship
College of Veterinary Medicine Research Award
Beecham Award for Research Excellence

James L. Robinson
James L. Robinson, Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Animal Sciences and the Division of Nutrititional Sciences. UIUC faculty member since 1970. Interim associate department head, 1988-90. Member of Campus Faculty Advisory Committee, 1989-92 (chair 1991-92). Member of Senate over the years, including terms on following committees: Educational Policy, Elections and Credentials, Committee on Committees and Budget. Currently chair of the Senate Committee on the Budget.

Peter J. Barry
Education: B.S., Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1963
M.S., Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1964
Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1969
UI experience: Professor of Agricultural Finance, Department of Agr. & Consumer Economics (1979- )
Recent Honors: Fellows Award, American Agricultural Economics Association
University Scholar, President's Award, University of Illinois

Laurian Unnevehr
Prof. Laurian Unnevehr, Food and Consumer Policy Economist and International Development, Dept. of Agricultural and Consumer Economics. Dr. Unnevehr recently was on leave in Washington, DC at USDA giving leadership to the development of a major USDA initiative in food safety and nutrition policy. She is widely know for her policy economic research having received several awards. She serves as a member of peer review panels for federal granting agencies and often provides consultation on the economics of food safety regulation to Congress and its staff. Dr. Unnevehr teaches undergrad and grad courses in food and agriculture policy, international development and related areas. She currently serves as the Chair of the ACES Research Policy Committee, an elected leadership position.

R. Warwick Armstrong
Education: B.A., Geography, University of New Zealand, 1957
M.A., Geography, University of New Zealand, 1959
Ph.D., Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1963
UI experience: Professor, Department of Community Health (1984- )
Funding: Received research grants from National Cancer Institute, National Science Foundation, University of Illinois Research Board.

Andrew Bailey
Education: B.S., Accounting, University of Minnesota, 1964
M.S., Accounting, University of Minnesota, 1966
Ph.D., Accounting, Ohio State University, 1971
UI experience: Ernst and Young Professor of Accounting (1994- )
Funding: Received research grants from the Coopers and Lybrand Foundation; IIA Research Foundation Grant; Peat, Marwick and Mitchell Research Opportunities in Auditing.
Editorial Boards: Indian Accounting Review (1997- )
Journal of Financial Management and Analysis (1997- )
The International Journal of Accounting (1997- )

Steve Williams
Education: B.A., Mathematics, Kenyon College, 1976
M.S., Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1977
Ph.D., Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1982
UI experience: Associate Professor of Economics (1992- )
Funding: Received research grants from the National Science Foundation, UIUC Research Board.
Editorial Boards: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Mathematical Reviews

Timothy Wentling
Education: B.S., College of Applied Arts and Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 1967
M.S., Guidance and Counseling Program, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 1968
Ph.D., Vocational and Technical Education, University of Illinois, 1971
UI experience: Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor of Education (1995- )
Department of Human Resource Education
Funding: Received research grants from the Illinois State Board of Education, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the U.S. Wildlife Administration.

Jane Loeb
Education: B.A., Behavioral Sciences, Rider College, 1961
Ph.D., Quantitative Psychology, University of Southern California, 1969
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate and Full Professor of Educational/Psychology (1968- )
Affiliations: American Educational Research Association
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Society

Peter Nardulli
Education: B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1969
M.A., Northwestern University, 1972
J.D., School of Law, Northwestern University, 1973
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1975
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor (1975- )
Department of Political Science (Head, 1992- )
Institute of Government and Public Affairs
Funding: Received research grants from the Ameritech Fellowship Program, Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies, American Bar Foundation, and the National Science Foundation.

Lawrence Hubert
Education: B.A., Mathematics, Carleton College, 1966
M.A.T., Mathematics, Harvard University, 1967
M.S., Statistics, Stanford University, 1969
Ph.D., Mathematical Studies in the Educational Processes, Stanford University, 1971
UI experience: Lyle H. Lanier Professor of Psychology (1987- )
Professor of Statistics (1987- )
Professor of Educational Psychology (1990- )
Funding: Received research grants from the National Institute of Justice and the National Science Foundation.
Recent Honors: Fellow, American Psychological Society
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Fellow
Guggenheim Fellowship

Stephen P. D'Arcy
Stephen D'Arcy is a Professor in the Department of Finance, College of Commerce and Business Administration. Professor D'Arcy has been a faculty member at the University of Illinois since 1982, and has served on the Faculty Senate, the Senate Council, the University Senate Conference Budget and Benefits Committee, and chaired the Faculty Benefits Committee. He has won the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award, and has been named a University Scholar. His primary research area is insurance and risk management. In addition to teaching courses in finance, he also teaches a course in actuarial science for the Department of Mathematics.

Marvin Paulsen
Dr. Marvin R. Paulsen received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Nebraska. He received his Ph.D. degree from Oklahoma State University in 1975. Marvin came to UIUC in 1975 and has served in the Dept. of Agricultural Engineering since that time.

Dr. Paulsen presently serves as the Graduate Program Director for the Dept. of Agricultural Engineering and has been a member of the Department Graduate Committee for the past eight years. He serves as Division Leader for the food and bioprocess Engineering area and has served on at least 35 M.S. and Ph.D. committees and directed research of over ten Ph.D. and ten M.S. students. Dr. Paulsen has taught AGE 400, Research Orientation, and AGE 490, Graduate Seminar courses, in addition to his regular undergraduate courses. His research interests are in engineering to improve grain quality and use of machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy to measure grain quality factors related to value-enhanced grain.

Dr. Paulsen is a Registered Professional Engineer in Illinois, a member of ASAE, ASEE, and AACC. He is listed in Who's Who in Science, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, American Men and Women of Science, and International Who's Who in Engineering.

Carroll Goering
Prof. Carroll Goering, Power and Machinery Engineering, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering. Dr. Goering has received national recognition for his research on internal combustion engines supported by industry and federal granting agencies. He also is an outstanding teacher and instructor of both graduate and undergraduate students. His classes are ranked as outstanding by his students. He is a respected leader in ACES and in the College of Engineering.

Haydn Chen
Haydn Chen, Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from the Northwestern University and joined the UIUC faculty in 1978. He has supervised over 20 doctoral and 10 masters students. He is presently a member of the Senate, and has served on the Honorary Degrees committee, the General University Policy committee and the Campus Operations committee. Prof. Chen has also served on several college and departmental committees including the Engineering College Teaching Performance and Evaluation Committee, the Department Undergraduate Curriculum and Graduate Affairs Committee, and is currently the Chairperson of the Department Faculty Search and Promotion committee. He has received the College of Engineering Excellent Advisors Award (1989) and has been a fellow of American Society for Metals (1991) and a fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (1994). He is a member of the honor societies Sigma Xi and Alpha Sigma Mu, and is listed in American Men and Women of Science, in Who's Who in Science and Engineering and in Who's Who in American Education. Prof. Chen has authored or co-authored more than 150 technical articles and given more than 100 invited talks. He is a key reader for the Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Transactions and a Principal Editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics.

Ed Reingold
B.S. Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology, June 1967
M.S. Computer Science, Cornell University, September 1969
Ph.D. Computer Science, Cornell University, January 1971
Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois 1982--present; Myerhoff Visiting Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 1996--1997; Visitor, INRIA Laboria, Nancy, France 1990 (summer); Visitor, East China Technical Institute, Nanjing, China 1986 (summer); Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel 1983--1984
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois 1974--1982; Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science and Department of Mathematics, Hebrew University, Israel 1976--1977
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 1974 (summer); Visitor, IRIA Laboria, Versailles, France 1974 (summer); Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois 1970--1974
Listed in American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology, Who's Who in the Midwest, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in Technology Today.

W. Kenneth Jenkins
Education: B.S., Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1969
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, 1971
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, 1974
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Electrical Engineering
(Professorship - 25%; Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory - 75%)
Funding: Received research grants from (among others) Illinois State Technology Challenge Grant, Motorola, NSF, and ONR.

James E. Peters
Education: B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1976
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1978
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1981
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Mech./Industrial Engineering
(Full Professor since 1991)
Funding: Received research grants from (among others) AMAX, Amoco, Caterpillar, CERL, DOE, Ford, and Sandia National Laboratories.

Mark J. Kushner
Mark J. Kushner received the B.A. degree in Astronomy and the B.S. degree in Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1976. His M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics were received from the California Institute of Technology in 1977 and 1979, respectively. In 1986, Dr. Kushner joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) where he now a Professor. Dr. Kushner is an affiliate in the Physics, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering Departments. He served as Asst. Dean of Academic Programs in the College of Engineering 1995-1996. Dr. Kushner has published more than 140 refereed papers and presented more than 300 conference papers and symposia on topics related to gas and solid state lasers, pulse power plasmas, plasma processing, chemical lasers, and laser spectroscopy. He currently serves on the College of Engineering Executive Committee and recently chaired the Search Committee for the Director of the Research Technology Management Office.

Paula Treichler
Education: B.A., Philosophy, Antioch College, 1965
Ph.D., Languages and Linguistics, University of Rochester, 1971
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor
(College of Medicine at U-C; Communications Research; Women's Studies Program)
Funding: Received research grants from (among others) American Medical Women's Association, National Council of Teachers of English, Ragdale Foundation, Society for the Humanities, and the UIUC Graduate College Research Board.

Vincent Bellafiore
Education: B.A., Landscape Architecture, University of Georgia, 1966
M.A., Landscape Architecture, University of Georgia, 1968
UI experience: Professor and Head, Department of Landscape Architecture (1985- )
Recent Honors: Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects
President's Award, American Society of Landscape Architects
Outstanding Educator Award, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

Lewis Hopkins
Education: B.A., Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, 1968
M.R.P., Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, 1970
Ph.D., City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, 1975
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Landscape Architecture
(Professor and Head, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning)
Funding: Received research grants from (among others) CERL, IBM, IDOT, Illinois Department of Conservation, NSF, and the UIUC Graduate College Research Board.

Linda Robbenolt
Associate Professor Robbennolt received a B.A. in Photography in 1973 from the University of South Dakota, and a M.F.A. in Photography in 1982 from the University of Oklahoma. She came to the University of Illinois as an Assistant Professor of Photography in the School of Art and Design in 1988. Prior to that, she was a freelance photographer in Chicago and has participated in numerous one-person invitational exhibitions both nationally (Chicago, New York) and internationally (Tokyo, Japan; Medillin, Colombia). Linda is always willing to take on additional responsibilities and has always conducted herself in a professional and diplomatic manner. Her commitment and development as an artist are evident in her work which combines the finest qualities of photographic vision with deep feelings and a sharp wit. She has earned substantial recognition for her work, as evidenced by prestigious awards, collections, and exhibitions. Linda Robbennolt's 1997-98 proposal to develop a new course, (ARTPH 3XX) "Advanced Studio Problems", was recently selected for funding by the Committee for the "Undergraduate Course Development Awards".

Michael Andrejasich
Associate Professor Michael Andrejasich received his B.S. in Architectural Studies in 1976 and his M.A. in 1982, both from the University of Illinois. He served in the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois as a Visiting Instructor from 1982-1984, Assistant Professor Tenure-Track, 1984-1989, and Associate Professor with Tenure from 1989 to present. Mike's teaching, work, and leadership in the School of Architecture has helped sustain the high level of excellence they hold. Accordingly, his students achieve award-winning excellence, and Professor Andrejasich has made noteworthy achievement developing new teaching methods. On the cutting edge are his concepts for Computer-Based Education in Architectural Design, providing the School with important new tools to foster creativity in undergraduate design students. Mike has served as Co-Principal Investigator and Project Director of the East St. Louis Action Research Project (Collaborative service learning focusing on organizing grassroots community and economic development efforts in majority-minority, distressed urban neighborhoods.) He is enthusiastic, dedicated, admired by his colleagues, and a very talented designer supported by a strong professional background.

Peter A. Fritzsche
Education: B.A., History, University of Pennsylvania, 1980
Ph.D., History, University of California, Berkeley, 1986
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of History
Recent Honors: National Endowment for the Humanities Focus Grant
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, UIUC

Heidi Von Gunden
Heidi Von Gunden, an Associate Professor, has been a member of the UIUC faculty for nineteen years and teaches theory in the Composition/Theory division of the School of Music. She is especially interested in undergraduate instruction and the inclusion of gender studies within the discipline. She teaches a course about Women and Music and received a Summer Instructional Grant to plan an interdisciplinary course, Women and the Arts. Professor Von Gunden has been a member of the School of Music's Executive Committee, the Women's Studies Advisory Board, and the Senate Committees on Honorary Degrees, Educational Policy, Committee on Committees, and Equal Opportunity. She has also served on the Council for Undergraduate Education, the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women, and is a member of the College of Fine and Applied Arts' Affirmative Action Committee. Her research is about contemporary American composers, and she has published numerous articles and books in this area.

C. Ward Henson
C. Ward Henson is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. He came to the University of Illinois in 1975 and served as Department Chair during 1988-92. His research interests are in mathematical logic, especially in applications of methods from logic to such other areas of mathematics as analysis, topology, and geometry. He has served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association for Symbolic Logic since 1983. At UIUC he has served on many Department committees as well as the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee, LAS Executive Committee, Senate Budget Committee, and the Task Force on Campus Priorities ("Beak Committee"), a predecessor to CBOC.

Anthony McHugh
Education: B.S., Chemical Engineering, Cleveland State University, 1966
M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, 1970
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, 1972
UI experience: Successively Associate and Full Professor of Chemical Engineering
(Full Professor since 1983)
Funding: Received research grants from (among others) American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund, Mobil Foundation, NSF, Plastics Institute of America, 3M Company, and the UIUC Research Board.

Stephanie Alexander
Education: B.A., Mount Holyoke College, 1961
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1967
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Mathematics
Recent Honors: Luckman Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award
Prokasy Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Outstanding Teacher of Freshmen, Alpha Lambda Delta

Clifton Brown
Education: B.A., University of South Florida, 1971
Ph.D., University of Florida, 1978
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Accountancy
Recent Honors: H. T. Scovill Professor of Accountancy (current)
Weldon Powell Memorial Faculty Fellow
Arthur Young Faculty Fellow

Linda Smith
Linda C. Smith is Associate Dean and Professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where she joined the faculty in 1977. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, an M.S. in information and computer science from Georgia Institute of Technology, an M.S. in library science from Illinois, and a B.S. in physics and mathematics from Allegheny College. Her research interests include information system design, education for library and information science, and the impact of new technologies on reference and information services. Her major teaching responsibilities are reference; scientific, technical, and medical information; and online information systems. She has chaired or been a member of the dissertation committee of more than seventy doctoral students. She was awarded the Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award by the American Society for Information Science in 1987, was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1993, and received the UIUC Graduate College Award for Outstanding Mentoring of Graduate Students in 1998. Her campus-level committee service includes: Educational Technologies Board, 1990-93; Professional Graduate Studies Area Subcommittee of the Graduate College, 1991-93, 1996-98; Budget Strategies Committee, 1995-97; Deans' Budget Committee, 1997-98; Senate Budget Committee, 1997-98; Senate Library Committee, 1997-98; Accreditation Self-Study Committee, 1997-99.

Wallace Hendricks
Education: A.B., Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1968
Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1973
UI experience: Successively Assistant, Associate and Full Professor of Economics
(Full Professor of Economics & Labor and Industrial Relations since 1982)
Funding: Received research grants from (among others) the Departments of Justice and Labor, the Illinois Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation.

Karen Schmidt
Karen Schmidt is Director of Collections and Assessment in the University Library and has been a faculty member in the Library for the past 16 years. Her work focuses on collection oversight and budget issues. Schmidt has a Ph.D. from University of Illinois. She has conducted research and published extensively on the effect of the publishing economy on research library collections, and in the areas of library history and library collections. She is a member of the Library Executive Committee, has served on the University Senate, and most recently was appointed to the University Press Strategic Planning Committee.

Miles Klein
Miles V. Klein received his B. S. degree in Physics from Northwestern University in 1954 and his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1961. He joined the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1962, becoming Professor of Physics in 1969. Since 1989 he has been the Director of the Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity, a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary Center funded by the NSF to carry out research in high temperature superconductivity, to interact with industry, and to carry out a program of educational outreach. Dr. Klein's research interests have been in experimental condensed matter physics. He is also the co-author of an undergraduate textbook: "Optics", with T. Furtak. Professor Klein's service on college and campus committees has included the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee of the College of Engineering, the Miller Committee, the George Miller Endowment Committee, and the Committee on Critical Research Initiatives.

Edward Kolodziej
UIUC Campus Experience: Member of Provost Tenure and Promotion Committee; Member of the Budgetary Priorities Committee (Devor Committee); Member of the committee to choose University Professors; Senator for approximately one-third of my twenty-five years on the faculty; Chair of the Senate Library Committee; Elected member of the Senate Committee on Committees; Member of several Senate committees. College of LAS: Elected member of the Executive Committee; Member of several LAS committees. Departmental: Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Virginia, 1967-69; Head, Department of Political Science, UIUC, 1973-77; Departmental Advisory Committee. Interdisciplinary: Co-Founder and Director, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS), 1983-86; Coordinator, Ford Foundation Interdisciplinary Seminars on the Politics and Governance of the Global Society.