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February 25, 2008


University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(Final; Action)

SP.08.09          Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.19 – Committee on University Student Life

The Sixth Senate Review Commission Final Report recommended “…that during the 2007-08 year, all Senate committees conduct a review of their charge, their operations, their staffing, and their titles, to determine if revisions to any of these might be appropriate.”

The Committee on University Student Life has completed this review and recommends the following changes.  They believe the changes more completely represent their charge and the membership necessary to accomplish it.

The Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures and the Senate Committee on University Student Life recommend approval of the following revisions to the Bylaws.  Text to be deleted is indicated in [square brackets] and text to be added is underscored.


19.  Committee on University Student Life

(a) Duties

The Committee shall:

1. Identify and consider the problems, needs, and concerns of students as related to the academic environment, and recommend desirable changes in campus policy;

2. Examine short-and long-term trends in student life here and in higher education generally, and recommend changes in campus policy to adjust appropriately to those trends; and

3. Serve in a broad advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs[;].

[4. Keep informed of campus needs concerning recreational and intramural facilities, programs and policies, and recommend changes to the Senate and administrative officers of the campus;

5.  Review and report to the Senate the annual changes, in both qualitative and quantitative terms, in the total recreational programs and facilities of the Urbana-Champaign campus; and

6.  Establish liaison and cooperate with the Athletic Board.]

(b) Membership

The Committee shall consist of:

    1. Four faculty members, one of whom shall be designated as Chair,
    2. One academic professional member,
    3. Five student members who shall elect one of their number to serve as Vice Chair,
    4. Depending on the structure of the student government, the elected head of the student body or designee, or the elected head of the undergraduate student body and the elected head of the graduate student body or designees (ex officio),
    5. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the Vice Chancellor’s designee (ex officio),
    6. The Dean of Students or the Dean’s designee (ex officio), [and]
    7. A member of the Committee of Assistant and Associate Deans (ex officio), selected by that committee, and
    8. The Provost or the Provost’s designee (ex officio).

[(c) Vice-Chair

The five student members as specified in (b)3 shall elect one of their number to serve as Vice-Chair.]

University Statutes and Senate Procedures
William Maher, Chair
Bettina Francis
H. George Friedman
Peter Loeb
Vera Mainz
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa
Ann Reisner
David Rockwood
Elyne Cole, ex officio (designee)
Robert C. Damrau, ex officio
Larry Mann, Observer