March 11, 2002
January 23, 2002 University Senates Conference (USC) met as a videoconference from all three campuses. UIUC members were fortunate to have President Stukel available at their videoconference site. Vice President Gardner met via teleconference. Despite some technical difficulties with the equipment, discussions were productive and frank. A business meeting of USC followed the morning session.
The meeting with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner included discussion of the following topics:
- Budget situation for FY02 and FY03. President Stukel referred to his budget message dated January 22, 2002 and sent by email January 24, 2002. The message outlines principles for dealing with budget rescissions in the current year. He also mentioned that many of the costs assigned by the state to the University in FY02 would likely have to be annualized in FY03 and beyond. Tuition increases will be implemented in tandem with cuts in central administration and at the three campuses to address the budget situation. UI Integrate will continue, but at a somewhat slower pace.
- Salary increases for faculty and staff in FY03. This will be addressed, as more information is forthcoming from the state. If there are additional funds for salaries, it will be a modest amount.
- Lessons learned from earlier years with difficult budget situations. President Stukel indicated that based on experience from previous years with budget problems, the best way to address issues is to maintain a collaborative and open process for decision-making; clarify priorities; make public the criteria for choices; and, consider raising tuition.
The business meeting included the following:
- Approval of the November 8, 2001 minutes.
- Status of ST-30, Sanctions Other than Dismissal. This document has been sent to the President with an explanatory cover letter, to be forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
- Approved revisions to the Statutes regarding the Campus Research Board. All three campuses approved revisions to the document, which will be sent to President Stukel.
- Approved revisions to the Statutes regarding the Nonreappointment of Academic Professional Staff. All three campuses approved revisions to the document, which will be sent to President Stukel.
- Status of OT-184, Recommended Principles to be used in searches for major administrative positions. The USC Statutes Committee will draft procedures for discussion.
- Discussion of future guests to address University issues of concern.
- Reports from USC representatives to the University Management Teams (Academic Affairs; Business Administration and Human Resources; and Economic Development and Corporate Relations). Discussions in each group focused on the budget situation. The Human Resources segment of UI Integrate was not implemented in December as planned due to software problems.
- Status of revisions to the Statutes regarding Multi-Year Contracts for Full-Time Non-Tenured Faculty. Tom Conry will consult with appropriate senate groups, the administration and legal counsel regarding how to proceed.
- Status of OT-181, Proposed revisions to the Policy and Procedures on Academic Integrity in Research and Publication. UIC has responded to this proposal. Responses are pending from UIUC and UIS.
- Status of Recalculation of the USC Membership. T. Conry and the USC Executive Committee will begin working on this process.
Dates and locations of future meetings were discussed, as were routine items of business. Nancy P. O'BrienUSC Representative to UIUC Senate Executive Committee