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September 30, 2002

University Senates Conference
June 24, 2002

University Senates Conference (USC) met in Urbana at the Illini Union with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner in the afternoon. Discussions focused on the state's budget situation, tuition and UI-Integrate. An organizational meeting of the 2002/2003 USC members and a business meeting of USC preceded these sessions.

The organizational meeting of the 2002/2003 included the election of the chair, Gerry Strom, UIC; secretary, Pat Langley, UIS; and the executive committee (Terry Bodenhorn, UIS; Tom Conry, UIUC; Nancy O'Brien, UIUC; and John Wood, UIC).

The business meeting covered a number of different topics. The following matters were addressed:

- Approval of the June 7, 2002 minutes.

- OT-89. Fitness to work. There was extensive discussion about a revised document that had been pulled together by Elliot Kaufman, UIC, from the three versions passed by the three senates. After several recommendations for changes, this document will be revised and presented again to USC.

- OT-161. Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments. In response to a letter from the new IBHE Executive Director, Dr. Daniel LaVista regarding the status and conditions for non-tenure track appointments, members of USC decided to try to speed up responses from the three campuses and work closely with Vice President Gardner on this issue.

- OT-190. Representation on the Tuition Planning Committee. Tom Conry and Gerald Strom have agreed to serve on the central tuition planning committee.

- Discussion of future guests regarding University issues of concern.

The meeting with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner included discussion of the following topics:

- Budget situation for FY03 and FY04. President Stukel indicated that the state's economy continues to be a serious issue, and that the "final" UI deficit is $89M. There is also the possibility of future cuts. In terms of FY04, planning is very tentative at this point.

- Review of vice presidents. President Stukel distributed annual reports from vice presidents for discussion at a future meeting

- Special meeting of the Board of Trustees. President Stukel announced that a special meeting of the BOT to discuss tuition was called for June 27. It is likely that the actual tuition increase will be approved at this meeting rather than the July BOT meeting.

- Central Tuition Planning Committee. The focus of the committee is on affordability and access. The Committee will look carefully at programmatic needs and ways to insure that financial aid is available. Vice President Gardner anticipates that a draft of this report will be given to the BOT in December and reviewed in January 2003.

- UI Integrate update. USC asked Vice President Gardner to report on progress with UI Integrate. He spoke of the numerous legacy systems used at UI as the greatest instance of deferred maintenance across all three campuses, and the critical need to replace those systems with a functional integrated system. There have been some problems and delays with the vendor, STC, but solutions are being developed. Recruitment, admissions and financial aid are to be brought up first and in stages.

The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Nancy P. O'Brien
USC Representative to UIUC Senate Executive Committee