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September 27, 2004

University Senates Conference

July 22, 2004

University Senates Conference (USC) met in Chicago with President Stukel in the Chicago Illini Union in the morning. Discussions focused on the annual review of the vice presidents, the budget situation, and the status of various reports and documents. A business meeting followed. USC met with Trustee Devon Bruce during lunch and the early afternoon.

The meeting with President Stukel included the following topics:

- Vice President Review. President Stukel and the Conference discussed the 2003-04 accomplishments of the vice presidents.

- Budget. President Stukel indicated that the University will not know the status of its FY05 budget until the legislature votes on the state’s budget and the governor signs it. It appears that the University will receive the same amount of funding as FY04. The President said that there will be a salary program.

- Status of Referred Documents. President Stukel reported that Evaluation of Ability to Work

had been sent to the campuses for implementation and the Information Security Policy had been given to Vice President Gardner for review.

The business meeting covered a number of different topics. The following matters were addressed:

- Approval of the June 22, 2004 minutes.

- USC Member Recognition. Plaques of recognition were presented to USC members whose terms were ending.

- Presidential search. It was reported that the search firm is receiving and soliciting nominations. The timeline for the search process was reviewed.

- OT- 208. E-Mail Security Policy. USC will discuss this issue at its September retreat.

- BOT Observers. Mike Grossman announced that the UIUC Senate sends an observer to each Board meeting and he, as Senate Executive Committee Chair, goes as well. He suggested that the other senates might want to do the same in order to increase the number of faculty at Board meetings. This would provide continuity as well as the opportunity for more faculty to experience what goes on at a Board meeting.

- Discussion of future guests regarding University issues of concern.

The discussion with Trustee Devon Bruce included a review of his affiliation to the University, his views on being a Board member, and specific issues presented by USC. Issues included credentials of the next University President, greater faculty interaction with the Board, and the impact of the Chief Illiniwek controversy on the presidential search.

Nancy P. O'Brien (with information provided by Connie Sailor, USC Secretary)

USC Representative to UIUC Senate Executive Committee