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Reconvened Meeting
Urbana-Champaign Senate
May 2, 2011; 3:10 p.m.
Levis Faculty Center

    I.       Senate Executive Committee Report—Joyce Tolliver, Chair

   VI.       Proposals for Action




SEC support for CAP Resolution


Senate Executive Committee

  VII.       Proposed Revision to the Senate Constitution(Second Reading,Action)


Proposed Revision to the Constitution, Article IV, Section 5 – Student Senators Term of Office

University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(W. Maher, Chair)

VIII. Reports for Information


BOT, March 23

A. Scheeline




FAC/IBHE, March 18
April 8


A. Aminmansour


SURSMAC, April 5

K. E. Andersen, H. F. Williamson




Proposed Statement on Unit Mission Statements


General University Policy

Senate Committee Annual Reports



   IX.       Committee of the Whole
The Senate will discuss proposed revisions to the General Rules, Article II, Sections 4, 5, and 6.  After introductory remarks, comments and questions will be limited to 2 minutes each. (Letter to USC from President Hogan, Proposed Revisions with markup, Proposed Revisions - clean)

    X.       New Business




Senate Resolution on Information Technology (IT) Reorganization


Senate Executive Committee

   XI.       Adjournment



Please step to the microphone and identify yourself when you address the Senate.