Urbana-Champaign Senate
February 17, 2003; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium
I. Approval of December 9, 2002, Senate MinutesUrbana-Champaign Senate
February 17, 2003; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium
Note: Senate attendance records for fall 2002 are also enclosed. II. Senate Executive Committee Report - Robert Fossum, Chair III. Chancellor's Remarks
Dr. Steven Schomberg, Vice-Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations, will discuss the Public Engagement component of his portfolio. IV. Questions/Discussion V. Old Business
2005-2006 Academic Calendar
Educational Policy (P. Mortensen, Chair) EP.02.26 VI. Consent Agenda
Revision of the MATSE Undergraduate Curriculum
Educational Policy EP.03.06 Proposal to Change the Name of the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering to the Department of Aerospace Engineering
Educational Policy EP.03.07 Proposal to Change the Name of the Performance Studies Program in the Department of Theatre
Educational Policy EP.03.08 Revision of the Mathematics Minor
Educational Policy EP.03.09 Proposal to Rename the Women's Studies Program to Gender and Women's Studies
Educational Policy EP.03.10 Proposal for the Creation of the Doctor of Audiology Degree Program
Educational Policy EP.03.12 VII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Bylaws
Revisions to the Bylaws Part D.1 (b) - Senate Executive Committee Membership
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (J. Finnerty, Chair) SP.03.06 VIII. Proposals for Action
Senate Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board
Committee on Committees (J. Prussing, Chair) CC.03.08 IX. Reports for Information of the Senate
Annual Report to the Faculty, 2001-2002
Faculty Advisory Committee (G. Janusz, 2002-2003 Chair) FAC.03.01 FAC/IBHE December 6
K. Andersen HE.03.05
FAC/IBHE January 31
K. Andersen HE.03.07 BHE December 10
K. Andersen HE.03.06 USC November 21
N. O'Brien UC.03.03
USC January 22
N. O'Brien UC.03.04
X. Committee of the Whole Discussion
The Senate Executive Committee Chair will move that the Senate convene as a Committee of the Whole to consider the subject below: Evaluation of Electronic Scholarly Publications Professor Leslie Struble, 2001-02 Chair of the Library Committee, and Senator Emily Watts, Chair of theAcademic Freedom and Tenure Committee, will each provide introductory remarks about reports from their respective committees. University Librarian Paula Kaufman will also be on hand to contribute to the discussion. Comments and questions will be limited to 2 minutes each, with a 30 minute time limit for the entire discussion. XI. New Business
Matters not included on the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting. XII. Adjournment