Academic Calendars CommitteesFaculty Policy Guide Honorary Degree Awards SEC Meeting Schedule Senate Agendas & Minutes Senate Meeting Schedule Senate Meeting Videos Senate Members Senator Guide


Urbana-Champaign Senate
April 26, 2004; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium

I. Approval of March 29, 2004, Senate Minutes

II. Senate Executive Committee Report - Priscilla Yu, Vice-Chair
Professor Yu will present a Resolution of Appreciation for Chancellor Nancy Cantor.

III. Chancellor's Remarks
Pat Askew, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, will present A Powerful Purpose: Strategic Opportunities for Student Affairs, 2003-2008.

IV. Questions/Discussion

V. Consent Agenda

Section Specific Course Titles
Educational Policy (V. Burton, Chair) EP.04.31

Revision of the Major in Philosophy, Science and Letters Curriculum, LAS
Educational Policy EP.04.32

Proposal from ALS to Rename the Department of Leisure Studies to the Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism
Educational Policy EP.04.34

Revision of the Technical Systems Management Curriculum, ACES
Educational Policy EP.04.35

Proposal from the Council on Teacher Education to Revise the Curriculum in Art Education
Educational Policy EP.04.36

2004-2005 Senate/SEC Calendar
Senate Executive Committee SC.04.08

VI. Proposals for Action
Nominations for Chair of the Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor
Senate Executive Committee/Committee on Committees (J. Prussing, Chair) SC.04.12/CC.04.12

Nominations for Membership on the Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor
Committee on Committees CC.04.13

Nomination for a Representative to the Faculty Advisory Council of the IBHE
Committee on Committees CC.04.11

Information Security Policy
University Senates Conference UC.04.07

Resolution on Athletics Reform
Athletic Board (S. Cohen, Chair) AB.04.01

2006-2007 Academic Calendar
Educational Policy EP.02.27

2007-2008 Academic Calendar
Educational Policy EP.04.37

Unit Review
General University Policy (R. Schacht, Chair) GP.04.02

Resolution on Benefits
Faculty Benefits (N. Denzin, Chair) FB.04.01

Resolution on Parking Policies
Faculty Benefits FB.04.03

Resolution Regarding UIUC Parking Policies
Campus Operations (H. Reis, Chair) CO.04.01

VII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Bylaws
Revisions to Bylaws Part D.19 (b) - Committee on University Student Life, Membership
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (J. Finnerty, Chair) SP.04.09

VIII. Reports for Information of the Senate
USA Patriot Act
Academic Freedom & Tenure (E. Watts, Chair) AF.04.01

Budget Recommendations
Budget (B. Jones, Chair) BG.04.01

Evaluation of Ability to Work
General University Policy GP.01.06

FAC/IBHE, March 26, K. Andersen, HE.04.10

BHE, K. Andersen, February 27, HE.04.09
and April 13, HE.04.11

USC, March 30, N. O'Brien, UC.04.06

IX. Senate Committee Annual Reports
Academic Freedom and Tenure AF.04.02
Admissions AD.04.01
Budget BG.04.01
Campus Operations CO.04.02
Committee on Committees CC.04.14
Conference on Conduct Governance CG.04.09
Educational Policy EP.04.39
Equal Opportunity EQ.04.01
Faculty Benefits FB.04.04
General University Policy GP.04.03
Honorary Degrees HD.04.02
Library LB.04.01
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.04.10
University Student Life SL.04.01

X. New Business
Matters not included on the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.

XI. Adjournment